Asteria – Mythopedia
Mar 11, 2023 · Asteria, wife of Perses and mother of Hecate, was a Titan associated with celestial bodies. Relentlessly pursued by Zeus and Poseidon, she transformed into a quail and ultimately an island to escape their unwanted advances.
Perses – Mythopedia
Dec 5, 2022 · Perses was the son of the Titan Crius and his wife Eurybia and was often numbered among the Titans himself. He married Asteria, another second-generation Titan, with whom he fathered Hecate, a goddess of witchcraft.
Hecate – Mythopedia
Mar 9, 2023 · Hecate was a powerful goddess of uncertain origin. She was usually called the daughter of the Titans Asteria and Perses, but there were many alternate versions of her parentage, including some that made her a daughter of Zeus. Though Hecate was most commonly depicted as a sinister goddess of magic, witchcraft, and the Underworld, she was ...
Coeus – Mythopedia
Mar 10, 2023 · Mythology. As with many secondary Titans, Coeus is rarely mentioned in Greek texts. In Hesiod’s Theogony, for example, he is named only twice: once as a child of Gaia and Uranus, and again as Phoebe’s consort and the father of …
Phoebe - Mythopedia
Mar 10, 2023 · Again, Phoebe came to the desired embrace of Coeus. Then the goddess through the love of the god conceived and brought forth dark-gowned Leto, always mild, kind to men and to the deathless gods, mild from the beginning, gentlest in all Olympus. Also she bare Asteria of happy name, whom Perses once led to his great house to be called his dear wife.
Astraeus – Mythopedia
Mar 12, 2023 · Astraeus was a son of the Titan Crius and his wife Eurybia and was often numbered among the Titans himself. He married Eos, the goddess of the dawn, with whom he fathered the Anemoi (“Winds”) and the Astra (“Stars”).
Ancaeus (son of Lycurgus) – Mythopedia
Sep 6, 2023 · Ancaeus, son of Lycurgus of Tegea, was an Arcadian hero and strongman who wore a bearskin and wielded a double ax. He took part in the voyage of the Argonauts and was killed during the Calydonian boar hunt.
Cailleach – Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · The band Crown of Asteria featured a song called “Cilleach: Crone Moon” on their album Crone; A short film, written and directed by Rosie Reed Hillman, told the story of Morag, an old woman in love with life on the edge of civilization in the Scottish Western Isles. The character, who wore a hood like a veil, bore more than a few ...
Argus Panoptes - Mythopedia
Mar 11, 2023 · Argus was a monster whose numerous eyes and ability to survive without sleep earned him the moniker “Panoptes,” meaning “all-seeing.” Hera appointed him the guardian of her husband’s lover Io, whom she had transformed into a cow. But the god Hermes ultimately killed Argus and freed Io.
Bellerophon - Mythopedia
Jul 7, 2023 · In some traditions, Bellerophon also fathered Hydissus by Asteria, the daughter of Hydeus. Mythology Early Life. When he was very young, Bellerophon accidentally killed someone—in most versions, it was his own brother (whose name varies by the source). Bellerophon went to King Proetus of Argos to be purified of the crime. Argos