List of Windows 10 Mobile devices - Wikipedia
All devices below come with SD card support. Processors supported are Qualcomm's Snapdragon 210, 212, 410, 617, 800, 801, 808, 810 and 820 as well as Rockchip's RK3288. ^1 This is currently the only device to both ship with Windows 10 Mobile and use an 800 x 480 screen resolution. ^2 Windows 10 Mobile for this device is available from June 2015.
Aikun S79 becomes the first Windows 10 Mobile device with 7 …
Aug 2, 2016 · Aikun S79 is the first ever Windows 10 Mobile device with a massive 7-inch display. It is made by a Chinese OEM, so expect an affordable price.
List of Windows 10 Mobile devices - Wikiwand
All devices below come with SD card support. Processors supported are Qualcomm's Snapdragon 210, 212, 410, 617, 800, 801, 808, 810 and 820 as well as Rockchip's RK3288. More information Product, Release date ... ^1 This is currently the only device to both ship with Windows 10 Mobile and use an 800 x 480 screen resolution.
Aikun S79 e S89 tablet Qualcomm con Windows 10 Mobile. E in …
Atek annuncia l'inizio di una partnership con Qualcomm per una nuova generazione di tablet con sistema operativo Android o Windows 10 Mobile.
Llista de dispositius amb Windows 10 Mobile - Viquipèdia, l ...
Aquesta és una llista de tots els dispositius que venen de forma nativa amb el sistema operatiu Microsoft Windows 10 Mobile. La llista també inclou els dispositius que executen dos versions addicionals de Windows 10 per a dispositius mòbils - Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise i Windows 10 IoT Mobile Enterprise.
Win 10平板手机Aikun将发布:骁龙210 - 手机中国 - CNMO
Aug 2, 2016 · 有消息称,来自中国深圳的国产手机厂商爱坤(Aikun)已经计划推出一款搭载Win10 Mobile操作系统的平板手机S79。 爱坤平板手机从设计来看,真心看不出什么设计感,就像是放大的国产千元机。 简单的金属外壳,机身厚度为9.3mm。 配置方面,将搭载6.95英寸显示屏 …
国产Win10 Mobile平板手机Aikun S79发布:骁龙210, 6.95英寸
Aug 2, 2016 · 中国OEM厂商Aikun(深圳爱坤)正在计划推出首款Win10 Mobile设备Aikun S79,搭载6.95英寸屏幕,是一款Win10 Mobile平板手机设备,配置高通骁龙210处理器,1GB内存,8GB内置存储,电池容量3200mAh,金属外壳。
国产Win10手机Aikun S79亮相:骁龙210/1G/8G创配置新低
Aug 2, 2016 · 据报道,中国厂商Aikun公布了自己的首款Windows 10 Mobile设备Aikun S79。 配置上, 其采用6.95英寸显示屏,高通MSM8909也就是骁龙210处理器,1GB运行内存和8GB存储,厚度9.3mm,电池容量3200mAh,外观方面则是金属机身。 本以为Lumia终结者Lumia 650的骁龙212已经技惊四座,没想到还有意外之喜。 令人看不懂的是,8GB对于支撑Win10来说捉襟见肘,这家厂商不知是如何被微软选中的。
s7+ – Aikun
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All Tablets - Aikun
Android M OS 6.0; Quad Core A7 ARM Cortex 1.3Ghz; 10.1′ 800×1280 IPS Screen; Magnetic Power Charge; Wireless data Sync; Dual Glass Capacitive Multi-touch