Atra-Hasis - Wikipedia
Atra-Hasis (Akkadian: 𒀜𒊏𒄩𒋀, romanized: Atra-ḫasīs) is an 18th-century BC Akkadian epic, recorded in various versions on clay tablets [1] and named for one of its protagonists, the priest Atra-Hasis ('exceedingly wise'). [2]
The Atrahasis Epic: The Great Flood & the Meaning of Suffering
Mar 6, 2011 · The Atrahasis is the Akkadian/Babylonian epic of the Great Flood sent by the gods to destroy human life. Only the good man, Atrahasis (his name translates as `exceedingly wise') was warned of the impending deluge by the god Enki (also known as Ea) who instructed him to build an ark to save himself.
The Epic of Atraḥasis - Livius
The Epic of Atraḥasis is the fullest Mesopotamian account of the Great Flood, with Atraḥasis in the role of Noah. It was written in the seventeenth century BCE.
Atrahasis - Bible Odyssey
Atrahasis is the modern name of the epic known in Mesopotamia by its opening words, inuma ilu awilum, “When the Gods were (like) Man.” As its name suggests, the epic imagines a proximity between gods and humans, envisioning a time when a …
Atra-Hasis - New World Encyclopedia
Atra-Hasis, also spelled Atrahasis, is an eighteenth century B.C.E. Akkadian epic, named after its human hero. It contains both a creation myth, explaining how the gods created humankind and an early flood account which was later incorporated into the Epic of Gilgamesh and is also thought to have influenced the biblical flood story .
The Epic of Atrahasis - Earth-history
2 days ago · The Epic of Atrahasis is the fullest Mesopotamian account of the Great Flood, but it offers more. The conditions immediately after the Creation, when the Lower Gods have to work very hard, and complain. The translation offered here is adapted from the one by B.R. Foster.
Great Discoveries: Atra-Hasis Epic - biblearchaeology.org
Oct 25, 2006 · Well-known in antiquity is the Atra-Hasis Epic. Atra-Hasis, meaning 'exceeding wise,' is the name of the story's principal character. Dating from the 17th century BC, fragmentary copies of the Epic have been excavated from numerous Mesopotamian sites.
The Great Flood: Atrahasis - Livius
Apr 20, 2019 · The Epic of Atra hasis is the fullest Mesopotamian account of the Great Flood.
The Epic of Atra-Hasis Version 1 - Mesopotamian Gods & Kings
Jul 29, 2014 · The Epic of Atrahasis is the fullest Mesopotamian account of the Great Flood. The conditions immediately after the Creation, when the Lower Gods have to work very hard, The text is known from several versions: two were written by Assyrian scribes (one in
"Atrahasis": Composite English Translation by Stephanie M
"Atrahasis" is a composite English translation of the Epic of Atrahasis creation and flood myth. It was likely created by Ipiq-Aya in ca. 1700 BCE; and, it was translated by Stephanie M. Dalley.
Atra-Hasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood, with the Sumerian …
The Babylonian flood story of Atra-hasis is of vital importance to ancient Near Eastern and biblical scholars, as well as students of history, anthropology, and comparative religion. Professors Lambert and Millard provide the reader with a detailed introduction, transliterated Akkadian with English translation, critical notes, and line drawings ...
Cuneiform tablet: Atra-hasis, Babylonian flood myth
This clay tablets fragment contains part of the ancient Akkadian flood story, often called Atra-hasis. The epic tells of how the gods created humans to alleviate their own work, grew tired of the noise of the peoples on earth, and sent various natural disasters – including a flood – to destroy the human race.
What is the Atrahasis epic about? - World History Edu
Oct 14, 2024 · The Atrahasis Epic is one of the most significant and ancient Mesopotamian texts, believed to have been written around 1700 BCE. The epic tells the story of the creation of humankind, a great flood, and the subsequent relationship between gods and humans.
Street Witnessing Docs.Archive - Atra-Hasis
Atra-Hasis, an Akkadian text dating back to the 18th century BC. The Atra-Hasis tablets encompass a creation myth and one of three surviving Babylonian flood narratives. Additionally, the name "Atra-Hasis" appears in the Sumerian King Lists as the king of Shuruppak in the era preceding a catastrophic flood.
The Story of Atrahasis - Grand Valley State University
The Story of Atrahasis. Atrahasis I: Creation of Humans. This story as we have it comes from an early Babylonian version of about 1700 BC, but it certainly dates back to Sumerian times. It combines familiar Sumerian motifs of the creation of mankind and the subsequent flood.
The Epic of Gilgamesh The Epic of Atrahasis - GradeSaver
Atrahasis was a Sumerian King of Shuruppak before the flood. The first tablet of the epic is a creation story, explaining the origin of humankind. The goddess Mami creates humanity out of clay to do the work that lesser gods refuse to do.
The Atra-hasis Epic is a literary form of Sumero-Babylonian traditions, dated around 1646–1626 B.C, about the creation of man and the Flood. It took about a century to gather and join the fragments that make up the three tablets of this epic.
Atrahasis - (World Literature I) - Vocab, Definition ... - Fiveable
Atrahasis is believed to have been composed during the Old Babylonian period around 1700 BCE, making it one of the oldest literary works in human history. The story illustrates how humanity's noise and overpopulation angered the gods, prompting them to decide to wipe out mankind with a flood.
Stephanie Dalley – The Atrahasis Epic - Genius
The Atrahasis Epic (also spelled “Atra-Hasis”) is an Akkadian/Babylonian creation and flood story. It tells how the gods planned to destroy humankind by flooding the earth,… Read More
Exploring the Atra-Hasis Myth: Mesopotamian Flood Story
Mar 11, 2024 · The Atra-Hasis myth is an ancient Mesopotamian tale that dates back to around 1900 BCE and is one of the earliest known flood myths in human history. The story unfolds in the land of Sumer, where the gods have created humanity to serve them and tend to the earth.