C6 S6 Modifications experience - AudiWorld Forums
Aug 12, 2011 · A6 / S6 (C6 Platform) Discussion - C6 S6 Modifications experience - I've recently taken my bone stock 2007 S6 and made the following changes to it. Here are my quick qualitative (i.e. not backed by any measurements) impressions based on the order I made the modification: Airbox flap removal: After reading pros and...
Complete list of available mod for the c7 s6 - Audizine
Oct 31, 2013 · Trying to find every available mod that is out for the c7 s6 and put it in one place if you know of one that I missed please pm me or add it to the forum I will try to keep this updated as more products come out, it is obviously very easy now because there are not that many products out for our car.
C7 A6/A7 & S6/S& VAG COM list and help - Audizine
Mar 20, 2009 · C7 A6/S6 VAG-COM mods Okay guys, there has been a lot of requests lately for a VAG-COM DIY. The purpose of this DIY is to walk you through the steps to do several VAG modifications. So far we have the following: Disable amber corner lights Disable NAV & Phone warning messages while entering data at speed Disable Seatbelt Chime Enable Adaptive ...
What mods would you so first for a 16 s6 - Audizine
Jan 14, 2020 · Looking to spend 4k on mods on a stock s6. What would be the best bang for your buck mods? I am looking to keep modding it afterwards just looking what people say it really needs. Has anyone done anything with suspension to make it handle better? Forgot to mention I will install the mods myself so no labor costs. I built my 67 from ground up.
4.2 performance mods - AudiWorld Forums
Sep 29, 2004 · A6 / S6 (C5 Platform) Discussion - 4.2 performance mods - New to the forums so bare with me. Was wondering if anybody knows about any mods available for the A6 4.2.
tuning the S6 - AudiWorld Forums
Group 11: JB4 Tuner for Audi 4.0TFSI Hands down go with JB4 for the 4.0T C7 S6/S7 models. TONS of positive feedback from beta testers, and available now in beta, meaning it will be receiving free updates and getting into more maps and tuning down the line.
Mods to 2006 A6 - AudiWorld Forums
Oct 7, 2013 · A6 / S6 (C6 Platform) Discussion - Mods to 2006 A6 - Just recently bought a 2006 A6 3.2L Quattro and was wondering if anyone has done performance or visual mods to their A6. Changes to exhaust, wheels etc Would like to see any pictures if you have them.
2013 S6 Mods - Audizine
Jul 29, 2018 · Mods are so subjective and personal that I think it is better to browse the forum for a bit looking at pics and build threads instead of asking to be spoon fed. Quick Navigation C7 A6/S6/RS6 A7/S7/RS7 Return Top
What mods or upgrades have you done to your A6 - AudiWorld
Aug 11, 2002 · A6 / S6 (C5 Platform) Discussion - What mods or upgrades have you done to your A6 - Just picked up my A6 2.7 Ming Blue. Probably will swap out rims down the road. First thing is audio..I want to keep the clean look so I will most likely stick …
Mods for C6 Generation S6 - AudiWorld Forums
Oct 16, 2017 · A6 / S6 (C6 Platform) Discussion - Mods for C6 Generation S6 - Hi yall, So I just purchased a 2007, S6 and I love it so far.