UMP45 | A.V.A Global Wiki | Fandom
The UMP45 is a Sub Machine Gun. While the UMP has below average accuracy, fire rate and stability, it makes up for it by having extraordinary damage and range. One of the most unique …
UMP45 Mod 0 | A.V.A Global Wiki | Fandom
An upgrade ver of UMP with the same game play. 9mm Para. Barrel (+2 Accuracy, +5 Ammo, -3 Damage) Just modded it like UMP45. UMP45:The Mod 0 ver has 1 more Stability (31 to 30) …
UMP45 Beware | A.V.A Global Wiki | Fandom
The UMP45 Beware is a skinned upgrade of the UMP45 Mod 0. It is upgraded in nearly every way possible, excluding range. It's biggest improvements are Recoil Control (79.0 -> 82.4) and …
UMP45 Commentary Ava - YouTube
Jan 13, 2011 · Decent gun 8/10, does have it's flaws as it's "one dimensional" and it's rof and ammo kind of kill it as well.
AVA UMP45 Gameplay - YouTube
With the Long Range Barrel, the UMP has 30 range.
AVA - UMP45 Beware Starship - YouTube
[UMP45 Beware Starship]장인의 수공으로, 외장 표면에 티타늄 언더코트 베이스 및 이온 플레이팅 표면처리를 적용한,UMP45 Beware의 우주선 컨셉 변형 SMG 모델.
UMP45 - IOP Wiki
Aug 30, 2024 · UMP45 is often the butt of jokes about her bosom being on the smaller end of the scale. Multiple Chibi Dolls Theater episodes use this joke, and one of the documents from …
UMP45 Starship | A.V.A Global Wiki | Fandom
The UMP45 Starship is a skinned variant of the UMP45 Beware. It was originally released in Halloween Havoc Update as part of the Starship Box in the Capsule shop, along with the …
AVA武器合成グループ早見表 | イーサマイナーのAVA攻略サイト
AVA公式の合成グループ表 の中から、優秀な合成素材と武器をまとめました。 優秀武器は、Upgrade Kitやカスタムが存在するものを選んでいます。 この優秀武器に優秀素材を合成した …
H&K UMP/대중매체 - 나무위키
Jul 27, 2024 · 많은 FPS 게임에서 등장하는 저연사력 기관단총의 대표주자이다. 몇 안 되는 .45 ACP 탄환을 사용하는 기관단총이라는 특성 때문에 UMP45가 주로 등장하며, 9mm 탄종을 사용하는 …
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