TASER X26P - Axon.com
Manage health checks, firmware updates and weapon data over the web with Axon Evidence. Trilogy Logs Trilogy logs record when an event occurred, the output at the time of the event, and how the device performed during the event.
Product Detail - Axon Store
Axon Yellow. The TASER X26P is available in Axon Yellow, the iconic yellow color synonymous with the confidence and quality built by decades of technological advancements under the TASER brand.
The X26/X26P Live 25 ft cartridges have green blast doors. These cartridges have extra penetration capabilities to assist with retention and decrease clothing disconnects. AFID Every time a TASER cartridge is deployed, approximately 20“30 small confetti-like Anti-Felon Identification (AFID) tags are ejected.
What is the TASER X26 ECD? The X26 is a software upgradable ECD manufactured by TASER International, Inc. ECDs use propelled wires or direct contact to conduct energy to affect the sensory and motor functions of the nervous system. The X26 ECD uses a replaceable cartridge containing compressed nitrogen to deploy two small probes that
TASER X26 - MyAxon
Axon now offers a no-cost TASER battery and fired cartridge recycling program. Click here to learn more.
TASER X26P Setup, User Manual, Maintenance, Troubleshooting
Axon now offers a no-cost TASER battery and fired cartridge recycling program. Click here to learn more.
TASER X26P Operator Couse Materials - MyAxon
Training Materials Licensing Agreement - Axon Certified Trainer V23 - Ineffective TASER Energy Weapon Deployment Questions V23 - Supervisory TASER Energy Weapon Use Report V23 - Voluntary Exposure Guidelines Certificate Template In-House Operators
TASER X26P - Axon
The TASER X26P is Axon's smallest and most compact Smart Weapon, and builds off of the legacy of the TASER X26E.
The evolution of the TASER energy weapon - Axon
In 2003, the TASER X26 was released, featuring a new Shaped Pulse electrical waveform that increased NMI in subjects. The weapon was also 60% lighter and smaller than the M26, allowing it to fit easily onto a duty belt.
The X26 Live 21 ft cartridges have grey blast doors. AFID Every time a TASER cartridge is deployed, approximately 20“30 small confetti-like Anti-Felon Identification (AFID) tags are ejected. Cartridges can be assigned to individual users, as each is serialized.