Hydro-Blanket Bonded Fiber Matrix - Profile EVS
Hydro-Blanket® Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM) sprays on as mulch, but dries to form a breathable blanket that bonds more completely with the soil, more effectively prevents erosion, and saves time and money compared to erosion control blankets as well as other BFMs. Like a blanket in a tank—only better.
What is Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM) - Brazos Valley HydroSeeding
Bonded Fiber Matrix is a type of hydromulch that is used in hydroseeding applications. It is a mixture of wood, paper, or other natural fibers, along with binding agents and additives, which are blended together to create a slurry or thick paste.
BFM or FGM - Profile EVS
There are Stabilized Mulch Matrices (SMMs) posing as BFMs and even FGMs in the marketplace. The general composition of a true BFM should consist of defibrated fibers and cross-linked insoluble hydro-colloidal tackifiers to provide erosion control and facilitate vegetation establishment on steep slopes.
BFM Hydromulch - Bonded Fibre Matrix - Envirofluid
BFM Hydromulch is designed for environments that need advanced erosion control, soil stabilization, and rapid vegetative growth. Its unique, two-layer application process makes it ideal for challenging landscapes where traditional methods are ineffective.
HydroStraw - Hydro Seeding Mulch | Bonded Fiber Matrix …
HydroStraw® HE Bonded Fiber Matrix is designed to be more cost effective than blankets and cost less to apply per acre than conventional BFM mulches on difficult sites, slopes, and adverse soil conditions where extra erosion prevention is needed.
Bonded Fiber Matrix for Erosion & Sediment Control - Emerald …
Patented technology creates a Flexible Growth Medium™ (FGM™) that offers better protection on slopes than rolled erosion control blankets (ECB) and bonded fiber matrix (BFM) products—with the speed and cost savings of hydraulic seeding.
Hydraulic Mulch: Important Differences Between Cellulose
These include Stabilized Mulch Matrix (SMM), Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM), Engineered Fiber Matrix™ (EFM™), High Performance-Flexible Growth Medium™ (HP-FGM™) or Extended Term-Flexible Grown Medium™ (ET-FGM™). RECOMMENDED MULCH CHARACTERISTICS AND …
What is a Bonded Fiber Matrix - Anderson HydroSeeding
Bonded fiber matrix is shredded wood mulch that consists of very long fibers. These fibers are long enough to inter-twine with each other creating a locking pattern which binds to the soil to hold it into place. An additive called tackifier is added to …
Hydroseed Mulch
BFMs form a strong, erosion-resistant mat that is ideal for slopes and challenging environments. This mulch provides excellent soil stabilization, and protection against hydraulic energy and wind, making it suitable for high-risk areas where vegetation establishment is critical.
HydroBlanket combines the low cost and ease of application of hydroseeding, the protection of a blanket and the advantages of a mulch. Our mat protects seeds and enhances germination; then it slowly decomposes over time into carbon