Australia - BHP
Our Australian business produces iron ore, copper, coal and nickel from operations in Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia, and oil and gas from fields in Western Australia and Victoria.
Western Australia - BHP
Western Australia Iron Ore (WAIO) is an integrated system of four processing hubs and five mining hubs, connected by more than 1,000 kilometres of rail infrastructure and port facilities in the Pilbara region of northern Western Australia.
Minerals Australia - BHP
Our Minerals Australia business includes iron ore and nickel operations in Western Australia, metallurgical (steelmaking) and energy coal in Queensland and New South Wales, and copper in South Australia.
Australia - BHP
Nuestro negocio en Australia produce mineral de hierro, cobre, carbón y níquel en sus operaciones en Australia Occidental, Queensland, Nueva Gales del Sur y Australia Meridional.
Offices - BHP
Our global headquarters have been located at 171 Collins Street in Melbourne, Australia since 2013. The sustainable building has environmental targets – including water usage, power …
BHP supports the objective of the Australian Government to build a world-class early childhood education and care system, particularly one that encourages women from across the country to re-enter the workforce.
Queensland - BHP
Queensland Coal comprises the BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) assets in the Bowen Basin in Central Queensland, Australia.
BHPs economic contribution to Australia tops A$50 billion in FY24
BHP contributed over A$50 billion in economic value to Australia in the 2024 financial year through wages, dividends, payments to suppliers, taxes, royalties and investments in our communities. The full scope of BHP’s economic contribution is laid out in the 2024 Economic Contribution Report.
Sobre | BHP
Somos una empresa de recursos líder en el mundo con sede en Melbourne, Australia, y nuestros productos se venden a nivel global. Nuestras actividades de ventas y marketing se realizan desde Singapur y Houston.
Australia graduate and student programs | BHP
From our Coal Operations across Queensland to the Copper Province in South Australia and Iron Ore in Western Australia, or various office locations in Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Melbourne - the BHP Australia Graduate and Intern Programs could be …