BMC Returns With New Truck Family Tuğra - BMC
Sep 27, 2018 · Turkey's one of the largest manufacturer of commercial and military vehicles, BMC is back on the roads with a brand new truck family TUĞRA. The long-awaited TUĞRA was unveiled on the world stage for the first time at the IAA …
Ana Sayfa - BMC
BMC Tuğra Türkiye'nin en büyük ticari ve askeri araç üreticilerinden BMC Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., kuruluşunun 60. yılını gururla kutlarken, dünya markası olma yolunda yenilenen hedeflerine doğru hızla ilerliyor.
Truck - BMC
The new legend BMC TUĞRA offers everything that may be expected from a truck altogether with its brand new and strategic design.
BMC Tugra (Commercial vehicles) - Trucksplanet
At the IAA, the Tugra debuted in several versions — 4x2 tractor for long distance routes, as well as 4x2, 6x4 and 8x4 chassis. The flagship tractor version is equipped with a 11 L German FPT Cursor rated at 460 hp and 2150 Nm.
Sep 21, 2018 · Turkey's one of the largest manufacturer of commercial and military vehicles, BMC is back on the roads with a brand new truck family TUĞRA. The long-awaited TUĞRA was unveiled on the world stage for the first time at the IAA …
BMC Otomotiv - Wikipedia
BMC Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (English: BMC Automotive Industry and Trade A.Ş.), doing business as BMC Otomotiv and BMC (Turkish pronunciation: [beː meː ˈdʒeː]), is one of the largest automobile manufacturers in Turkey. Its products include commercial trucks, buses, military trucks and armoured vehicles.
Budowlane BMC Tugra już u polskiego dealera - kolejna turecka
Nov 16, 2022 · Na polski rynek dotarła kolejna nowość z Turcji. Jest nią budowlana ciężarówka marki BMC, stanowiąca uterenowione wydanie modelu Tugra. Pojazd czeka już na chętnych u podkrakowskiego dealera i wkrótce powinien wyjechać na drogi. Zacznę od przypomnienia, że latem bieżącego roku rozpoczęła się polska sprzedaż oraz testy ciągnika siodłowego BMC Tugra.
BMC Tuğra - Vikipedi
BMC Tuğra, BMC tarafından 2018 yılından bu yana üretilen kamyon serisidir. Araç, ilk olarak 2018 Hannover IAA Otomotiv ve Yan Sanayii Fuarı'nda tanıtılmış olup dört yıllık bir Ar-Ge sonucu geliştirilmiştir ve önceki Profesyonel 'in yerini almıştır.
Feb 20, 2019 · All visuals, dimensions, characteristics and equipments are for information purposes only and they are not contractual. BMC reserves the right to modify them without prior warning. (October 2018) BMC OTOMOTİV SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. HEADQUARTERS Oruç Reis Mah. Tem Otoyolu Atış Alanı Mevkii Tekstilkent Caddesi No: 12 Koza Plaza A Blok 4 ...
BMC Tuğra TGR 3232 (8x2) - Sahibinden
BMC Tuğra TGR 3232 (8x2) Sıfır, ikinci el ticari Kamyon & Kamyonet fiyatları Türkiye'nin ilan sitesi sahibinden.com'da