DRB Class 42 - Wikipedia
The DRB Class 42[note 1] was a type of steam locomotive produced for the Deutsche Reichsbahn. It is one of the three main classes of the so-called war locomotives …
DR-Baureihe 42 – Wikipedia
Die Dampflokomotiven der Baureihe 42 wurden als Kriegsdampflokomotive KDL 3 für die Deutsche Reichsbahn angeschafft. Ihre Beschaffung unterstand im Gegensatz zu den …
The BR-42-2 is a 42" Superior wood-burning fireplace from the Standard Series manufactured by Lennox Hearth Products. The BR-42-2 Standard Series wood-burning fireplace must be …
British Rail Class 42 - Wikipedia
The British Rail Class 42 Warship, originally known as the D800 Warship, is a class of diesel-hydraulic locomotives introduced in 1958. It was apparent at that time that the largest centre of …
Baureihe 42 - Eisenbahn-Museumsfahrzeuge
Dec 8, 2018 · Die Güterzuglokomotiven der Baureihe 42 wurde ab 1944 als zweite Kriegsdampflokomotive neben der Baureihe 52 gebaut. Die Baureihe 42 war für den Einsatz …
British Rail Class 42 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
British Railways ' (BR) Type 4 "Warship" class diesel hydraulic locomotives were introduced in 1958. It was apparent at that time that the largest centre of expertise on diesel-hydraulic …
British Rail Class 42 - Locomotive Wiki
The BR Class 42s are diesel-hydraulic locomotives that were built from 1958 - 1961. Class 41s and Class 43s (Not to be confused with the diesel-electric locomotive) are also Warship …
Class 42 - British Rail Locomotives Wiki
British Railways' (BR) Type 4 Warship class diesel-hydraulic locomotives were introduced in 1958. It was apparent at that time that the largest centre of expertise on diesel-hydraulic …
DR-Baureihe 42 - Modellbau Wiki
Die Baureihe 42 der Deutschen Reichsbahn (DR) waren ab 1943 gebaute schwere Schlepptenderlokomotiven mit Achsfolge 1'E für den Güterzugdienst. Neben der DR-Baureihe …
Category:DRG Class 42 - Wikimedia Commons
Media in category "DRG Class 42" The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.