The American Equivalents of French Education Levels
Jul 5, 2019 · CE1, 5ème, Terminale… the French education system has an entirely different vocabulary for levels of education. Here’s a list of the French years of study and their American equivalents. L’École Maternelle (equivalent to preschool) La crèche — nursery, day care. Moyenne section de maternelle — Pre-kindergarten.
Bac +1 to Bac +5 - WordReference Forums
Aug 23, 2006 · From a definitions point of view, "bac+3" means that you completed three years of university studies after passing the French baccalauréat exam. So degree equivalency aside, a French student is bac+2 when s/he begins the year of university study.
US equivalent to BAC - WordReference Forums
May 3, 2007 · No. For university admissions, the French system considers that high school PLUS the first two years of US university add up to the Baccalauréat. So if you are a junior (3rd year), you are BAC+1.
Help with translation, what does a M1 - bac + 4 mean?? - Reddit
Jul 14, 2020 · M1 or bac+4 means you've studied for 4 years in higher education. In France this would be (for example) a license (3 years) plus one year of a masters. In France, a masters is two years. Bac is the bachelloreat, which you take at the end of school. Therefore they will often write bac+x to indicate a level of qualification.
Is Bac +2 the same level as an IB Diploma? : r/French - Reddit
Sep 4, 2023 · Achieving Bac+2 means you finished (successfully) your second year of study after the baccalauréat. That's all. The first year after bac is Bac+1, then Bac+2, then Bac+3 (licence), then Bac+4 (Master 1), then Bac+5 (Master 2), ...
Bulletin Bac +1 - WordReference Forums
Aug 2, 2008 · Bac+1 refers to the first year of higher education, generally the first year of college/vocational school. Bac+2 refers to the second year of higher education. etc.. (Bac is short for baccalauréat , which is France's high-school diploma.
What does "Bac + 2" mean? : r/French - Reddit
Mar 24, 2023 · In Canada, it would be a 2 year diploma at technical/community college. In Quebec, it's the equivalent of a 3 year technical diploma at a Cegep. To roughly translate into Canadian (although possibly Ontario centric in terminology) Bac français is equivalent to a Secondary School Diploma/Diplôme d'études secondaires.
Internships and work-study programs - ISEN Méditerranée
Bac+5: End-of-studies internship (3 to 6 months) or Professionalization contract Internships in companies have a high level of technical content. Professionalizing and often well-paid , the application and graduation internships (in the 4th and 5th …
Nos diplômes de niveau Bac + 1 - Annuaire des écoles
Pour ceux qui viennent de décrocher un diplôme de niveau équivalent BAC, nous présentons notre catalogue de formations courtes pouvant être suivies en 1 an et vous donnent les qualifications nécessaires pour avancer vers une certification professionnelle.
Liste des diplômes de niveau Bac+1 référencés - Orientation.com
Vous souhaitez obtenir un diplôme niveau Bac+1 ? Recherchez votre futur diplôme parmi plus de 229 référencés sur orientation.com. Choisissez dès maintenant le diplôme niveau Bac+1 qui vous correspond par filière, secteur et par type d'études.