Balau | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Balau (Shorea spp.) Common Name(s): Balau. Scientific Name: Shorea spp. Distribution: Southeast Asia. Tree Size: 150-200 ft (45-60 m) tall, 3-6 ft (1-2 m) trunk diameter. Average Dried Weight: 53 lbs/ft 3 (850 kg/m 3) Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC):.69, .85. Janka Hardness: 1,600 lb f (7,120 N) Modulus of Rupture: 17,730 lb f /in 2 (122.3 MPa)
Shorea - Wikipedia
They are sold under various trade names including "lauan", "lawaan", "meranti", "seraya", "balau", "bangkirai", and "Philippine mahogany". The "Philippine mahogany" sold in North America is not a true mahogany at all, but a mixture of woods from the genus Shorea .
Balau Hardwood Timber Specification - AnyOneWood
Balau, also known by its botanical name Shorea spp., is a tropical hardwood species. It has a coarse texture with medium to large pores and a grain that can be interlocked. The colour of Balau can vary from a pale brown to a darker red-brown shade.
Balau Wood Pros and Cons - Timber Blogger
Dec 9, 2022 · Balau wood is hard, dense, and strong, mainly used for plywood, flooring, and heavy construction. It is native to the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Balau wood has a distinctive grain pattern and ranges from dark brown to light brown with darker stripes.
Balau - WoodSolutions
Native to Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, balau is a dense hardwood used mainly for heavy construction. The heartwood of balau is yellow to brown, which is distinct from the paler sapwood. Its moderately fine and even texture presents an interlocked grain, which produces a stripe figure on the radial surface.
Balau Wood (Shorea spp.) Uses, Properties, Pros, and Cons
Balau wood uses. Balau has been used a lot in heavy construction, ship and boat building, and marine construction. Railway sleepers, plywood, joinery, making cabinets, mallets, fender supports, door and window frames, and a staircase.
Balau Decking | Balau Deck Installation | Call 770-242-0045
Balau is also known as one of the most abundant hardwood species in the world. It is possible that Ipe and Cumaru become uneligible for international trade in the next few years. Fortunately, Balau is nearly guaranteed to be available for decades to come!
Balau | Yellow Balau | Shorea Spp. - Wooduchoose
Balau. The colour of Balau can be variable depending upon the species: ranging from a pale brown colour, to a darker red-brown. I has a coarse texture with medium to large pores. Grain is sometimes interlocked. Balau is extremely durable and resistant to decay as well as hardwearing - hence its widespread use as an exterior decking
Balau (Shorea) - Continental Hardwood
Balau Scientific Name: Shorea Other Names: Red Balau, Kayu Batu Type: Imported Hardwood Origin: Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippines Appearance: Yellow-brown to dark reddish-brown color with interlocked grain.
Balau - Tropical Woods
Common Name: Balau Scientific/ Botanical Name: Shorea spp. Distribution: Southeast Asia Average dried weight/Air-dry density: 850-1,155 kg/m3 Classification: Heavy hardwood Colour/Appearance: ranges from the species, from red colour to darker reddish brown. Grain/ Texture: Coarse texture with medium to large pores(lubang).