Balder Waegdaeg (abt.0243-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree
Apr 1, 2024 · Baeldaeg was the mythological son of Wōđanaz or Wōđinaz, which is the reconstructed Proto-Germanic name of a god of Germanic paganism, known as Odin in Norse mythology, Woden in Old English, Wodan or Wotan in Old High German and Godan in Lombardic.
Baldr - Wikipedia
Baldr (Old Norse also Balder, Baldur) is a god in Germanic mythology. In Norse mythology, he is a son of the god Odin and the goddess Frigg, and has numerous brothers, such as Thor and Váli.
Bældæg, king in Westphalia (c.210 - c.280) - Genealogy - Geni.com
Jan 6, 2025 · Genealogy for Bældæg, king in Westphalia (c.210 - c.280) family tree on Geni, with over 265 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives.
Baldur/Bældæg, king in Westphalia {Norse God} Odinson
May 11, 2024 · Balder (norrønt Balder, Baldr, Baldur, usikker betydning, muligens «herren») er en gud i norrøn mytologi som er assosiert med lys, skjønnhet, kjærlighet, diktning og lykke. Ifølge Snorre Sturlasons prolog var Beldeg var identisk med Baldur og hersket i Westfalen.
Kingdoms of Northern Europe - Baeldaeg's Folk (Angles) - The …
One of the sons of Woden, Bældæg (or Baeldaeg) was claimed as the originator of the line of princes which migrated to Britain in the fifth century. These princes are claimed as the founders of the Saxon Gewissae peoples who may have occupied the …
Baeldaeg Freawineasson (abt.0243-aft.0280) - WikiTree
Aug 4, 2022 · Baeldaeg of Scandinavia. King Baeldaeg (or Beldeg, or Balder), was born about 0243 in Scandinavia, to father Odin (or Woden, or Wuotan) of Asgard. He married Nanna, born about 247, daughter of King Gewar of Norway. King Baeldaeg died about 280. References to Scandinavian Genealogy in FMG
Baeldaeg of Asgard (± 243-± 334) » Family tree Homs » Genealogy Online
Dec 11, 2011 · Balder, på norrønt Baldr, er en gud i norrøn mytologi. Balder er sønn av Odin og Frigg og gift med Nanna, som han har sønnen Forsete sammen med. Balder er rettferdighetens og lysets gud, og den peneste av alle æsene. Balder bor i Breidablik. I Snorres gude- og skaldeverk Den yngre edda, beskrives Balder slik:
Family tree of King Baeldaeg of SCANDINAVIA - Geneanet
Balder (Old Norse Baldr, modern Icelandic and Faroese Baldur, Balder is the name in modern Norwegian, Swedish and Danish and an anglicized form) is, in Norse Mythology, the god of innocence, beauty, joy, purity, and peace, and is Odin's second son.
Baeldaeg or Beldeg of Aesir (± 243-± 334) » My Family Branches ...
Baeldaeg or Beldeg of Aesir was born about 243 in England, son of Wodin or Odin King Of Europe and Frigga or Freya., they gave birth to 1 child. He died about 334. This information is part of My Family Branches by Deborah Bailey Bell on Genealogy Online.
Martin Jonathon Swann the True King of England
Bældæg king in Westphalia was born in the year 243 in Saxony, Germany, son of Baldur Unknown and Nanna Nepsdotter. He died in the year 295 in Norway. This information is part of Martin Jonathon Swann the True King of England by …