Barkcamp State Park - Ohio Department of Natural Resources
The sandstone hills of the Appalachian Plateau envelope this region of Ohio. Barkcamp State Park is one of the few places where visitors can glimpse what Ohio's forests looked like prior …
BarCamp - Wikipedia
BarCamp is an international network of user-generated conferences primarily focused on technology and the web. They are open, participatory workshop-events, the content of which is …
BarCamp / TheRulesOfBarCamp
BarCamp: What's this all about? COMMUNITY AND INFORMATION . BarCamp is an ad-hoc unconference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is …
BarCamp / OrganizeALocalBarCamp
Here you'll find collection of web resources to organize a BarCamp; BarCampVancouver, BarCampShanghai and BarCampLosAngeles organizer Crystal Williams breaks down exactly …
Beaver Barcamp 2025
Beaver Barcamp 2025 What is Barcamp? April 12, 2025 from 9am-6pm Kelley Engineering Center. Registration is free -- sign up today! Register
Die Barcamp-Methode - JUST BARCAMPs!
Der Barcamp-Moderator begrüßt die Teilnehmer:innen und führt in die Barcamp-Methode ein. Dabei legen wir ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Vermittlung der Wertewelt eines …
Barcamp – Wikipedia
Ein Barcamp (englisch; häufig auch BarCamp; deutsch Unkonferenz oder Ad-hoc-Nicht-Konferenz) ist eine offene Tagung mit offenen Workshops, deren Inhalte und Ablauf von den …
What is a Barcamp? Expect a no-frills, no-fluff gathering of creatives, thinkers, and probably a handful of geeks. There’s no predefined speaker lineup or schedule. Attendees can prepare a …
What is Barcamp? | Bar Camp - barcamproc.org
What is Barcamp? In the spirit of FooCamp, BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, …
BarCamp / WhatToExpect
What should you expect when attending a BarCamp? Here are a few tips: Preparation . Pre-register on the wiki. There's a signup page for your local event. Please put your name and any …