BARRENNESS Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
bare implies the removal of what is additional, superfluous, ornamental, or dispensable. naked suggests absence of protective or ornamental covering but may imply a state of nature, of …
BARRENNESS | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
BARRENNESS meaning: 1. the state of not being able to produce plants or fruit: 2. the condition of not being able to…. Learn more.
Barrenness - definition of barrenness by The Free Dictionary
Define barrenness. barrenness synonyms, barrenness pronunciation, barrenness translation, English dictionary definition of barrenness. the state of being barren: the barrenness of the …
Barrenness - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
3 days ago · DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘barrenness'. Views expressed in the examples do not …
barrenness noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
Definition of barrenness noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Barrenness Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
The property of being barren; the property of not supporting life. The barrenness extends into the mountains themselves, where there are bare rock cliffs, stony slopes and a general absence …
barrenness - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Mar 18, 2024 · barrenness (usually uncountable, plural barrennesses) The property of being barren; the property of not supporting life.
BARRENNESS Synonyms: 24 Similar and Opposite Words
Synonyms for BARRENNESS: bleakness, nothingness, clearness, availability, desolateness, blankness, dryness, vacuum; Antonyms of BARRENNESS: fulness, fullness, completeness, …
What does barrenness mean? - Definitions.net
Barrenness refers to the state of being unproductive, infertile, or unable to produce results. In the context of land or soil, it means an inability to grow or support plants. When referring to people …
Barren vs Barrenness - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
As nouns the difference between barren and barrenness is that barren is an area of low fertility and habitation, a desolate place while barrenness is the property of being barren; the property …