How to convert BCD to Decimal? - All About Circuits
May 22, 2015 · Converting Decimal to BCD is easy but how do I convert BCD to Decimal when the BCD is like this: 0111100100100010110 (BCD) = 0011 1100 1001 0001 0110 (grouping into 4 bits from right to left) = 3 12 9 1 6 (converted 4bits binary to decimal) = …
Converting decimal fraction to BCD | All About Circuits
Mar 17, 2011 · Convert the following decimal numbers to their 8421 BCD equivalents: 99.9 Attempt: I was able to convert 99 (1001 1001) but i am not sure how you would convert 0.9
output of bcd-to-decimal decoder - All About Circuits
Feb 22, 2013 · The fact that it is BCD -- binary-coded decimal -- means that there are ten valid codings. But since there are sixteen possible codings, the other six are not defined and could be anything. The designer of the circuit could make them do anything they want. They could make the chip explode if one of those six inputs is applied.
BCD to Decimal decoder - All About Circuits
Oct 13, 2008 · The decimal point is 150 years older than historians thought: General Science, Physics & Math: 3: Feb 20, 2024: BCD to Decimal Decoder: General Electronics Chat: 1: Nov 6, 2013: Z: output of bcd-to-decimal decoder: Homework Help: 9: Feb 22, 2013: Z: Problem with BCD to decimal decoder (K155ID1) General Electronics Chat: 7: Feb 16, 2009
Binary-Coded-Decimal rotary switch replaced with Potentiometer
Nov 9, 2023 · BCD switches use 4 bits to encode one decimal digit from 0-9. You mention 5 and 15 positions, so I don’t think they’re BCD switches. They could be binary coded; just not binary coded decimsl (BCD). You’d need three bits or three outputs to encode 0-5 in binary. Or four bits or outputs to encode 0-15 in binary. 0 could be an off position.
bcd to 16 segment (hex) decoder | All About Circuits
Sep 14, 2013 · BCD stands for binary coded decimal, that can count in binary from 0 to 9 - any codes after that are "illegal" codes. If you want to count up to 16, the input will be 4-bit binary. Like Reply
bcd decimal - All About Circuits
Apr 7, 2014 · The decimal point is 150 years older than historians thought: Binary-Coded-Decimal rotary switch replaced with Potentiometer: How to deal with 4 bit 7 segment display drivers making a decimal counter? Hacking A 4 Digit 7 Segment Display, Colon to Decimal Point
Problem with BCD to decimal decoder (K155ID1) - All About Circuits
Feb 16, 2009 · The 7441 do "react" to BCD code higher than value 9 and turns on one of its decimal output. The K155ID1, which claims to a replacement for 74141, works like the 74141 and does not outputs anything for BCD code 0A to 0F.
How to convert BCD to Decimal? | Page 2 | All About Circuits
May 22, 2015 · The big problem is that the BCD code is the decimal show in binary format, so only can be show 0~9, any number over 9 is wrong, so discussing a long strings just doing the same problem the number was limited in 0~9.
BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) Clock - All About Circuits
Feb 25, 2013 · It uses BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) to display the time. I thought that this was a really novel idea and would be an ideal little project. I searched Google and sure enough I was able to find a schematic for one.