Question - no bs beaver extreme trap - Trapperman Forums
Feb 9, 2021 · In spring with sand an heavy beaver trap, I use paper sack as base under trap, not beaver traps N this one very hard to, I reach under pan an clean out under , so not keep pan from fire Last edited by coonman220; 02/11/21 04:01 PM .
Interested in using beaver trap trays.. - Trapperman Forums
Feb 26, 2025 · Here are a couple pics I took this morning at dam break sets. Dam break is about 12" wide and 6" deep. Tray is holding two 750s on drowning rods. Tray is 8" to 10" deep. Tea-stained swamp water makes them look …
Interested in using beaver trap trays.. - Trapperman Forums
Feb 27, 2025 · I think you can catch a beaver in any kind of trap or set. I think I have tried them all including this one. To catch all the beaver consistently, in a timely manner I have come to the conclusion that I just need to get very proficient with what I can set quickly and have results.
Interested in using beaver trap trays.. - Trapperman Forums
Mar 1, 2025 · Pulled last of snares this morning on nuisance job. Got the brood female and a 2 yr old to close it out. Gotta take next several days off from beaver'in.....got to do maintenance on SxS and pickup...oil changes and tire rotation.
MB750 or NO BS EXTREME BEAVER TRAP - Trapperman Forums
Dec 23, 2020 · 750s are good traps....had over 2 dozen at one time. But the NoBS beaver trap is the cadillac of beaver footholds. I have 6 of em and they have every feature you could want in a beaver foothold. If I need more beaver traps it will be the NoBS's.
Beaver - beaver 330 set questions - Trapperman Forums
Dec 11, 2011 · On a steep bank,use a short H stand and set trapwhere water meets land at slide with bottom jaws just under water.Angle the trap out over water perpendicular to bank and angle a thumb sized stick over the top jaws to discourage beaver from climbing over trap.This is a deadly set and you can make them by shining up the bank with your boot and using a …
Best foothold for beaver - Trapperman Forums
Aug 14, 2018 · I've had a great sampling of all 3 of the above. The bridger has the larger pan, the CDR has the better system on dog but the 750 is dogless like the 650. If any of those facts are important. All three are probably nearly as equal in holding a beaver. Although the 750 may have the cake there. Trying to take a beaver out nearly requires setters.
TS 85 beaver trap? - Trapperman Forums
The levers on the TS 85 are easier to depress than most beaver traps which does make for nicer setting traps. I did catch a few by the front feet but not nearly as many as by the hind feet.I was doing damage control beaver trapping where I had to get every one and could not afford any losses which resulted in educated beaver.
Beaver under ice sets - Trapperman Forums
Dec 31, 2024 · Hey guys. I'm wondering if anyone still makes drowning sets for beaver out of 2x4's. I saw a video where he built a shelf for a #4 longspring and hung some bait above the trap. He shoved the trap into the mud and cross tied a branch for …
Beaver - Beaver Float Pics - Trapperman Forums
Sep 6, 2007 · The configuration of your beaver float design will depend upon if you plan on using a bodygrip or leghold trap on it. Jonathan Camera Gear: Canon EOS 7D-MK-II, Canon EF-S 10-22mm, EF 28-135mm, EF 100-400mm and EF 400mm lenses.