Bedforms: ripples and dunes – Geology is the Way
In geology there are several types of ripples: centimeter-scale ripples or ripple marks, megaripples, which are higher than 5 cm and several meters wide, and sand dunes, which are …
Bedform - Wikipedia
A bedform is a geological feature that develops at the interface of fluid and a moveable bed, the result of bed material being moved by fluid flow. Examples include ripples and dunes on the …
Influence of bed roughness on dune and megaripple generation
Jul 10, 2004 · We find that the linearly most amplified mode shifts from a dune mode (grain roughness) towards a megaripple mode (large bed roughness). Then, we discuss how …
Here a self‐organization model (similar to models for subaerial bed forms) is used to simulate the formation and development of megaripples in the surf zone.
Bed Form Classification and Associated Bed Roughness Height a
Megaripples are dynamic continental shelf sedimen- tary structures with heights up to 2 m, wavelengths up to 20 m and crests perpendicular to the current (Table 1). They occur as …
For instance, very large bedforms in the ocean that have length larger than O(10) m are often classified as sand waves, whilst megaripples have lengths ranging from O(1-10) m and ripples …
Small-scale simulations provide much-improved relations for bedload sediment transport for use in intermediate-scale models for bathymetric evolution, for example, offshore and onshore bar …
In this research we present the extension and comparison of two well-known, automated signal-processing methods for the 1-D and 2-D separation of bathymetric data derived from …
We find that the linearly most amplified mode shifts from a dune mode (grain roughness) towards a megaripple mode (large bed roughness). Then, we discuss how megaripples could be …
bed forms are covered by smaller 3-D megaripples, which are related to sets of low-angle converging laminae in box cores, interpreted as hummocky cross stratification (HCS). The …