The Perone Hive: A Revolution in Sustainable Beekeeping
Oct 16, 2023 · With over 40 years of experience in beekeeping, Oscar Perone, the inventor, hails from Argentina. The practice of PermApiculture using the Perone hive presents a viable solution to combat the prevalent Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and other threats that jeopardize the global honeybee population. Some notable benefits include:
Introduction to the Perone Beehive - BeeKeepClub
Jul 2, 2023 · The Perone Beehive is an ingeniously designed beehive that aims to better the way honeybees are raised. It derives its name from its inventor Oscar Perone. Its current design has been arrived at after innumerable trials and errors, carried out …
In many parts of the world Red cedar is a traditional choice for bee hives because the oils it contains naturally help preserve the wood without any type of chemical treatment. Due to our personal environmental convictions regarding sustainability, we recommend using species that are native or local to your area.
Perone Bee Hives
Perone bee hive 1 The Perone or Automatic Hive was designed by Oscar Perone, and aims at managing bees in a way more closely analogous to their natural behavior. It is favored by proponents of ‘Natural Beekeeping’, who seek to allow more natural bee behavior and minimize intervention into the hive.
Beekeeper - Wikipedia
A beekeeper is a person who keeps honey bees, a profession known as beekeeping. Beekeepers are also called honey farmers , apiarists , or less commonly, apiculturists [ 1 ] (both from the Latin apis , bee ; cf. apiary ).
I present the PermaMeliponicultura and the Oscar Perone hive of ...
I am pleased to present the PermaMeliponiculture, a technique that I have developed to work with meliponas and trigonas, applying to Meliponiculture, the concepts and philosophy of PermApicultura.
Vernon’s Perone Hive - Adventures in Natural Beekeeping
May 23, 2013 · Vernon’s Perone hive, showing the brood box (24 inches in length, width and depth), one super and the roof. Construction was of Douglas Fir with the exterior thin-coated with linseed oil. Materials cost about $140 including the concrete footed mounting frame and a sheet of galvanized metal for the roof.
Perone 'automatic' hive system | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
Jul 5, 2012 · A forum community dedicated to beekeeping, bee owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about breeding, honey production, health, behavior, hives, housing, adopting, care, classifieds, and more!
Perone Hive Plans Anyone? - Beesource Beekeeping Forums
Jul 26, 2012 · So the Perone you'v seen have solid roof without any ventilation at all? youtube 'automatic beehive' and there's a nice vid on putting a hive together. Remember the Perone hive is designed for Aficanized bees that swarm often. It is also designed for tropical climates. http://peronehive.com/
Perone Hive? - Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum
Nov 25, 2015 · Essentially, I think we can define a Perone hive as a hive with a permanently closed very large brood section at the bottom, which contains freely-built comb and a few diagonal supports (tree branches), and with optional, shallower honey supers at the top.