[SOLVED] Battle For Middle Earth II - Tech Support Forum
May 18, 2009 · Hi, i did the first options.ini thing for BFME2 and it worked a charm, the game plays on Windows 7 fine. And then i tried it for the expansion pack (Rise of the Witch King) and it worked but then the next day, the same problem that happened before on bfme2 with the programme not responding, still happens on the expansion.
[SOLVED] Battle for Middle Earth II "Please...
Jun 14, 2009 · Re: Battle for Middle Earth II "Please insert the correct CD-ROM" Hi Tiber, Thanks for the advice. While searching around the web I found another solution from Microsoft (would you believe) which has done the trick:
Instant defeat after 3.30 minutes in BFME2...HELP!
Oct 3, 2008 · While playing Battle for Middle Earth 2 I am having this problem-- everything is destroyed exactly 3.30 minutes after the game starts and I am defeated. This happens every time I get to play the game. I reinstalled the game but the problem persists. Is there any way to get rid of this problem?
[SOLVED] Lotr Bfme 2 Lan Join failed due to mismatch
May 4, 2011 · Re: Lotr Bfme 2 Lan Join failed due to mismatch Hi All, Problem solved.:wave: The problem was that I was using a No Cd crack. When you use a Game.dat crack the version number becomes 0.2142 or something like that and the result is the two versions do no longer match. I always use No Cd Cracks because I simply hate having to swop Cd's all the time.
LORT Battle for Middle Earth II Won't load... - Tech Support Forum
Oct 21, 2007 · Hey, Basically, LOTR BFME II won't get past the loading screen. It pops up with a picture in the middle of the screen, then that dissapears, and it appears again. When it appears again, it doesn't do anything. All I have is the little circle thingo spinning (meaning that the …
[SOLVED] Having Issue with creating options.ini folder for Lotr …
Jan 18, 2015 · Re: Having Issue with creating options.ini folder for Lotr Bfme 2 and expansion By default, Windows hides some file extensions. If you would like to see them, do this: Open the folder. In the Tools menu, click Folder Options >> View> Under Advanced Settings, scroll down to and uncheck Hide extensions for known file types. Click OK
Battle for Middle Earth II playing error "Please...
Dec 30, 2007 · 2. Click Start. 3. Click Run. 4. Type cmd in the available text box and press OK. 5. At the command prompt, type in the CD-ROM drive letter that your play disc is currently in, followed by a colon. * Example: D: 6. Press the Enter key on your keyboard. 7. Note: This should change your current prompt to match the drive letter you typed. 8.
[SOLVED] BFME II problem - Tech Support Forum
Aug 6, 2010 · A couple of days ago I started BFME II without any trouble. Later in the day, I was working with my computer installing/uninstalling several programs, ZoneAlarm and AVG (ZoneAlarm installed, I don't THINK AVG ever got far). Now I can't start BFME II. When I insert the disk, the computer recognizes it and I can view the files on the disk.
Installing BFME2 - W3D.big error - Tech Support Forum
Feb 13, 2008 · Re: [SOLVED] problem re-installing LOTR:battle for middle earth 2 the problem i have is during installing the game although the install used to complete successfully on my older computer now i get the message : a problem occured when trying to transfer the file 'W3D.big' from the media do you want to retry to copy the file, or cancel the ...
BFME II Installation Error - EnglishAudio.big - Tech Support Forum
Apr 19, 2008 · Step 2: Go to my computer , right click on the game disk and select open (or explore) Step 3: copy all content to the folder you created on your desktop Step 4: when a window tells you that englishaudio.big cant be read or something like that just press skip. Step 5: find a friend who has the gme.