BfMe II / RotWk Widescreen UI Mod (alpha) - The 3rd Age
May 6, 2012 · One of my biggest hang-ups with playing BfMe II/RotWk widescreen was the ugly stretching of the UI — and now that the APT files can be directly modified, I decided to do something about it. • This is only for the UI — you still need to run the game in widescreen mode and (preferably) use widescreen maps.
UI Scaling: Interface too big : r/bfme - Reddit
Oct 16, 2021 · To install BFME 1, use [2.22 Launcher] (https://www.moddb.com/mods/battle-for-middle-earth-patch-222/downloads/patch-222). To install BFME II/RoTWK (or play on Linux), …
BFME2 WIDESCREEN FIX - Tournaments and Games - Revora …
Apr 2, 2014 · I've compiled a Widescreen Patch for BFME2, for those who use the 1.06 (or older) patch. Download and simple installation instructions can be found here: http://www.the3rdage...m-792?visible=1
Widescreen without cropping in BFME2? : r/bfme - Reddit
Jan 10, 2024 · Widescreen without cropping in BFME2? New to the game. I have everything working, but I notice that widescreen (at least 1920x1080) just crops part of the picture rather than being actual widescreen. This isn't a novel experience for me, I've played plenty of older games without widescreen support, but I'm just curious if there's a solution.
BFME2 Widescreen Fix - GameReplays.org
Dec 18, 2006 · Thanks to maddox we have now got a program that will automatically update the Maps.big file to support widescreen. The program is simple and easy to use, and works with all versions of the game. This program also adjusts the screen resolution so that it is increased. I am sure many will enjoy this handy little tool. . download the file here!
The_Complete_ROTWK_Widescreen_ForceMod_MapPack#EA_Hawkeye - BFME2 …
Jan 23, 2015 · Enjoy Bfme Rotwk like a bfme 3 Spoiler: This is the original widescreen camera & UI fix for the official EA V2.01 Patch and it's not an Edain mod or TTOTA or BOTTA.
Changing the color, size and the font of the UI - BFME2 & RotWK …
Oct 26, 2007 · Current UI tutorials don't cover changing the fonts in-game, I've been wondering how to do this myself.
What is the best patch for BFMEII HD : r/bfme - Reddit
Apr 27, 2020 · There's actually a BFMEII HD Edition mod/patch. I say "mod" because officially that's what it is, but it just makes the game HD by updating the textures and fixing the resolution. Follow this thread: https://www.gamereplays.org/battleformiddleearth2/portals.php?show=news&news_id=989126 .
LOTR: BFME2 - Solution doesn't solve the problem - WSGF
I can get BFME2 to run in 1680x1050 with a command line in the shortcut just fine. My problem is this accomplishes absolutely nothing for me. What I see on my screen is exactly what I see in 1024x768: A stretched out, fat display of the game.
1.06 widescreen UI fix? - GameReplays.org
My desktop res is 1920 x 1080. I play both BFME2, and ROTWK. Everything is perfect for 1.09 and ROTWK, but to this day I play 1.06 with the UI stretched in an ugly way, where all the circles are ovals. I assume there was never a proper fix, at least for my resolution. Am I correct?
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