Because of excellent shape factor, wide-band width and high selectivity, this series is the most suitable to car radios and all-band radios. Easily mountable on any PC board. 1.5 max. Insertion Loss (dB) max. (Available as standard through authorized Murata Electronics Distributors. GApplicable in North American market only.
Murata's CERAFIL® for AM use is one of the most recommendable IF filters, having such distinctive features as : high selectivity, high stability and adjustment-free operation. Additionally its easy matching with IC helps create an easy circuit design.
• Most suitable for a thin type and low profile set. • The. performance is the sa. litude and phase characteristics within the pass band. Because the excellent G.D.T. characteristics of these filters insure signal integrity, they are recommended for use in applications ranging from high . tivity, L. put capacitance.
Datasheet Archive: BFU450C datasheets
bfu 450 c. Abstract: BFU 450 bfu455 BFU450C BFU 450C Text: C E R A M IC FILTERS FO R S IG N A L DETECTIO N m u R a la SFE & BFU S eries The following filters were specifically designed for signal detection circuitry used in applications such as that found in the search-stop functions of electronically tuned radios. OCR Scan
BFU 450 Search Results - The Datasheet Archive
Text: PIEZO FILTERS CERAMIC FILTERS FOR SIGNAL DETECTION SFE & BFU Series The following filters were specifically designed for signal detection circuitry used in applications such as that found in the search-stop functions of electronically tuned radios. SPECIFICATIONS.
BFU/SFZ SERIES FEATURES fa – fr: Difference between the anti-resonant frequency and the resonant frequency Most suitable for IC Station Detectors (SD) such as the LA 1135 (by Sanyo)!Applicable in North American market only. "Applicable in European market only.
BFU450C Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: N-channel silicon field-effect transistors. 83 Results. Part #: BFU309. Datasheet: 134Kb/2P. Manufacturer: New Jersey Semi-Conductor Products, Inc..
BFU450C by Murata Manufacturing | Ceramic Filters | Partstack
Find the best price and distributors for BFU450C by Murata Manufacturing; CERAMIC BPF; Dimensions: L7XB3.5XH9 (mm); Length: 7 mm; Height: 9 mm; Mounting Type: THROUGH HOLE MOUNT; Manufacturer Series: BFU;. Partstack is the best source for BFU450C to find datasheets, and compare prices and alternatives.
Datasheet BFU450C Equivalent ( PDF ) - Filter
FILTERS FOR AM APPLICATIONS SIGNAL DETECTION BFU, SFZ SERIES FEATURES s fa fr: Difference between the antiresonant frequency and the resonant frequency s Most suitable for IC Station Detectors (SD) such as the LA 1135 (by Sanyo) 9.0 ± 0.3 4.0 ± 0.5 FILTERS DIMENSIONS: mm BFU Series 3.5 ± 0.3 1.5 max.
BFU450C datasheet - Filters For Audio Visual Equipment ... - DigChip
Some Part number from the same manufacture Murata Manufacturing Co. BFU450C4N Filters For Audio Visual Equipment Cerafil For Search-stop Signal Detection: BFU450K3: BFULA Ceramic Filters For am: BL01RN Emi Suppression Filter For DC: PLA10AS1321R7D2 : EMI Suppression Filters Emi Suppression Filter For ac