Biography - Bieke Depoorter
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Depoorter felt reluctant to look at stars herself but was drawn to observing others as they observed the universe. In Blinked Myself Awake, she investigates the fragility of memory, …
Works - Bieke Depoorter
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Ou Menya - biekedepoorter.com
For three periods of one month, Bieke Depoorter has let the Trans-Siberian train guide her alongside forgotten villages, from living room to living room. Some Russian words, scribbled …
In October 2017 Depoorter met A. in a strip club in Paris. Over the next three years, the women dove deep into a collaboration, creating a small alternative universe that served as a container …
I Am About to Call it a Day - biekedepoorter.com
As a follow up to her widely acclaimed book Ou Menya, Bieke Depoorter traveled to the United States, spending the night at the homes of perfect strangers, whose paths she crossed upon …
As It May Be - biekedepoorter.com
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This is one of the pages in biekedepoorter.com.
Books - biekedepoorter.com
In recent years, photographer Bieke Depoorter has sought out amateur stargazers, visited state-of-the-art observatories, and researched the history of astronomy.
About - biekedepoorter.com
This is one of the pages in biekedepoorter.com.