[Seed Request] I need a MASSIVE Ocean Seed - Minecraft Forum
Jul 18, 2012 · Looking for a seed that spawns you in the center of a huge Ocean biome, it MUST be 1700 blocks in every direction from spawn. I need this for my custom map which is 3072x3072, so there is a nice empty ocean to place it in, without having visible land along the borders.
[Top 10] Minecraft Best Ocean Seeds (2021 Edition)
Aug 19, 2020 · That’s where seeds come in, and this article will take you through the 10 best ocean seeds so you can start your journey as best as possible. This seed will spawn you on a mushroom biome that's very close to an icy mainland. What is awesome about this seed: Compatible versions: 1.7.2 and onwards.
Top 10 Best Minecraft Ocean Biome Seeds - Gamepur
Sep 12, 2023 · We present to you our meticulously curated selection of the best ocean world seeds in Minecraft, tailored for both the Bedrock and Java versions of the game.
The first 25 tile Ocean seed has been found! Biggest square ... - Reddit
May 5, 2021 · this seed on large biomes is great if you want an island/ocean exploration world, more ocean monuments than you could ever clear, occasional village and outpost islands, huge mushroom islands for bigger projects and roughly 10k to reach any mainland shore
Possibly the largest ocean biome seed i've seen. : r/Minecraft
Aug 2, 2013 · I've been searching for a long time for a seed with a large ocean biome, so i can build a good Mob farm. Well today i generated a world and got much more than i bargained for. I spawned directly in an Ocean biome, and it seems to stretch extremely far.
Giant seaweed - OSRS Wiki
Giant seaweed are a giant versions of seaweed. It can be used on a fire or range to produce soda ash. One giant seaweed produces 6 soda ash, with a chance of failing, resulting in only one soda ash. Players with 51 or higher Cooking will no longer fail, even on a fire.
[Top 10] Minecraft Ocean Seeds That Are Fun! (2022 Edition)
Jan 4, 2022 · Let’s dive into ten of the best Minecraft seeds for ocean exploration, some for Bedrock and some for Java. Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMwO0iqcdeE. This seed’s ocean features an enormous shipwreck surrounded by ruins, under an arctic biome dotted with glaciers.
List of largest seeds - Wikipedia
The largest seed in the world is the coco de mer, [1][2] the seed of a palm tree. [3] It can reach about 30 centimetres (12 inches) long, and weigh up to 18 kilograms (40 pounds).
10 Jaw-dropping Minecraft ocean seeds - GameSkinny
Sep 9, 2015 · If the sea's calling, we've collected an awesome set of Minecraft ocean seeds that should scratch that nautical itch!
Looking for a Seed :: Valheim General Discussions
Dec 25, 2022 · I want a good seed kinda around a lake that connects to the larger sea. Near the boss ring Very nice Seed. The Older is on the Start Island too and the Trader is in the South of …