Why do you need to put #!/bin/bash at the beginning of a script …
Jan 23, 2012 · So, if you try to run a file called foo.sh which has #!/bin/bash at the top, the actual command that runs is /bin/bash foo.sh. This is a flexible way of using different interpreters for different programs.
Bash Script : what does #!/bin/bash mean? - Stack Overflow
Dec 14, 2012 · That is called a shebang, it tells the shell what program to interpret the script with, when executed. In your example, the script is to be interpreted and run by the bash shell. Some other example shebangs are: (From Wikipedia) #!/bin/sh — Execute the file using sh, the Bourne shell, or a compatible shell #!/bin/csh — Execute the …
How do I execute a bash script in Terminal? - Stack Overflow
Mar 9, 2018 · I have a bash script like: #!/bin/bash echo Hello world! How do I execute this in Terminal?
What is the difference between #!/bin/sh and #!/bin/bash?
May 25, 2012 · A script may specify #!/bin/bash on the first line, meaning that the script should always be run with bash, rather than another shell. /bin/sh is an executable representing the system shell.
shell-script headers (#!/bin/sh vs #!/bin/csh) - Stack Overflow
Nov 24, 2014 · For a csh script, you should use #!/bin/csh -f; the -f tells the shell not to source the user's .login and .cshrc, which makes the script run faster and avoids dependencies on the user's setup. (Or better yet, don't write csh scripts.) Don't use -f …
What is the preferred Bash shebang ("#!")? - Stack Overflow
Apr 30, 2012 · Is there any Bash shebang objectively better than the others for most uses? #!/usr/bin/env bash #!/bin/bash #!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh - etc I vaguely recall a long time ago hearing that adding a dash to the end prevents someone passing a command to your script, but can’t find any details on that.
What does the line "#!/bin/sh" mean in a UNIX shell script?
Sep 10, 2011 · The first line tells the shell that if you execute the script directly (./run.sh; as opposed to /bin/sh run.sh), it should use that program (/bin/sh in this case) to interpret it.
linux - What is the difference between "#!/usr/bin/env bash" and ...
Same thing happens if scripts search for bash using #!/usr/bin/env bash, so these scripts would now be working on your system using your custom bash build. One downside is, that this can lead to unexpected behavior, e.g. same script on the same machine may run with different interpreters for different environments or users with different search ...
What is the use/meaning of "#!/bin/sh" in shell scripting?
Jan 5, 2016 · A script may specify #!/bin/bash on the first line, meaning that the script should always be run with bash, rather than another shell. /bin/sh is an executable representing the system shell.
linux - What does 'bash -c' do? - Stack Overflow
Jun 3, 2012 · Quoting from man bash: -c string If the -c option is present, then commands are read from string. If there are arguments after the string, they are assigned to the positional parameters, starting with $0.