Homepage | Blancpain
Blancpain cultivates special ties with renowned award-winning chefs, encompassing more than 100 Michelin stars among its circle of friends, past and present.
The Fifty Fathoms collection | Blancpain
The Fifty Fathoms collection embodies Blancpain's passion for the underwater world that was originally expressed in 1953 with the presentation of the first modern diver’s watch.
Homepage | Blancpain
Art de vivre アール・ド・ヴィーヴル. ブランパンは過去から現在まで、獲得したミシュランの星の数が100を超えるようなすばらしい受賞歴のあるシェフたちと特別な絆を育んでいます。
Homepage | Blancpain
The Villeret collection - Blancpain
The Villeret collection symbolises Blancpain's history and longevity. It enjoys an incredibly solid foundation across all of watchmaking's celebrated complications, as well as many Blancpain …
BlancpainXSwatch | Blancpain
These five Blancpain X Swatch models are made from bioceramic, a unique and patented blend of two-thirds ceramic and one-third biomaterials derived from castor oil.
홈페이지 Blancpain
영원한 가치를 추구하는 하이엔드 워치 브랜드 블랑팡은 ‘전통’과 ‘혁신’의 dna로 늘 새로움을 추구하며 끊임없는 도전을 이어가고 있습니다.
Homepage | Blancpain
Blancpain Ocean Commitment; Lettres du Brassus; 腕表系列. 五十噚系列; Air Command空军司令系列; 经典系列; Ladybird女装系列; 艺术大师系列; 复杂功能时计; 产品搜索; 服务. 销售点; 联 …
Collection Fifty Fathoms - Blancpain
La collection Fifty Fathoms matérialise la passion de Blancpain pour le monde sous-marin qui s’est initialement exprimée en 1953 avec la présentation de la première montre de plongée …
Homepage | Blancpain
Blancpain entretient des liens particuliers avec des chefs de renommée internationale, comptant plus de 100 étoiles Michelin parmi ses amis, passés et présents.