Bleeding 8 days after wisdom teeth extraction - Dental Phobia …
Oct 29, 2018 · The holes are normal. I was told after my molar extractions not to worry about bleeding unless it was enough to need gauze to stop the bleeding (after 3 days). I was also told that it was normal to have increased pain 7 to 10 days after extraction. I had an increase of pain with my bottom molar extraction a week after.
Gums won't stop bleeding after deep cleaning - Dental Phobia …
Jan 30, 2011 · Got my deep cleaning 6 hours ago and this part of my mouth will just not stop bleeding. Alot of blood to spit out. Its also behind the tooth on the bottom. heres a pic .. any ideas .. and is it normal [broken link to image removed]
Bleeding from tooth - help! - Dental Phobia Forum
May 6, 2012 · My husband's tooth is bleeding. I don't mean when brushing his teeth, just when eating he is tasting blood. He suspected this a few weeks ago and ignored it hoping it would go away. Now the bleeding is worse. He is refusing to go to the dentist because of my horrible experiences last year which I posted about on here.
Gum bleeding won't stop after deep cleaning. - Dental Phobia …
May 5, 2019 · I had a deep cleaning root planing/scaling 3 days ago. Immediately afterwards, there was no bleeding and none even the next day. On the 2nd day after the cleaning, I woke up to a mouth full of blood and bleeding under the bottom front tooth. There was also a big clot there as well that when I removed, it began bleeding a lot.
Bleeding gums when brushing - Dental Phobia Forum
Jan 5, 2017 · Hi there and Well done you for going and getting sorted, you are definitely on the right path there. drm is spot on, I had this exact same issue a number of years ago and the key is getting in to clean the gum area in those spaces between the teeth, everybody is different but I've settled on 3 different sizes of interdental brush (Te Pe brand) with satin floss and a …
Healing after Tooth Extraction - Dental Fear Central
Oct 10, 2024 · Sensitivity in teeth next to an extracted tooth. It’s not uncommon for the teeth next to an extraction site to be sensitive. This may happen when you lose a little bit of bone on the side of the tooth next to the extracted tooth, exposing a small area of the root. When the gum doesn’t cover the root, it can feel sensitive for while.
Bleeding 9 days post tooth extraction - Dental Phobia Forum
Feb 28, 2010 · Today I was brushing my teeth with the soft baby toothbrush I got to be able to reach all areas of my mouth while my jaw was sore. I ran the brush gently over the upper right bicuspid socket like I've done every day without a problem when it started bleeding. Stopped the bleeding with some gauze - it wasn't terribly heavy, but it has me worried.
My daughter fell flat on her face, teeth bleeding.
Apr 16, 2009 · Kids fall and hit their front teeth quite commonly. At the age of 3, it is unlikely that the adult teeth will be affected. However, the baby teeth may turn dark. As long as the teeth do not become infected, this is ok. Signs of an infection is if there is …
Sprained teeth ongoing issues - dentalfearcentral.org
Jan 23, 2025 · A few mouthfuls each meal. The pain returned a long with swollen, bleeding gums. Again I stopped. I had also noticed that talking was irritating the teeth on the inside so I have barely spoken all week! My teeth still feel uncomfortable. The past 4 days I have had pain in my gums surrounding the sprained teeth especially at the back.
Just got wisdom teeth out bleeding question and guaze
Oct 29, 2018 · I just got my two bottom wisdom teeth out about 3 hours ago and I'm concerned about the blood clot forming. I had the guaze on for avout 45 minutes then I replaced it and kept that on for another 45 minutes and took that out and neither of the guaze were completely soaked in blood so I figured I was done bleeding for the most part and didn't ...