Degus colors - World of degus
Jul 10, 2022 · Agouti blue degus are overall a fairly light gray with hints of browns and creams, which are close to agouti. Like the agouti, the eye rims, ear bases, and underbelly are lighter, with gray areas on the legs. This is one of the first mutations of …
Colour Varieties - DEGUTOPIA
The above pictures show adult blue degus, the name of the colour reflecting their unusual blue-grey coats. You can see in the right hand picture the contrast with the natural agouti degu (pictured bottom right with cataracts).
Degu Facts – Breeding And Genetics Glossary – Rodent Zone
Jul 17, 2020 · Blue (Blue Agouti) the color of a degu with homozygous dd – alongside the recessive a gene (aa bb) they have a more thicker-colored brown coat (no ticking) with dark eyes and a matching underbelly and are called just plain blue.
Blue Degu (Octodon degus 'Blue') - en.pet.wiki
Blue degus are a breeding variety. The distribution area of the degus includes Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. They occur in coastal shrubland as well as in the high mountains up to 3,500 m altitude and live in large colonies. In the trade, only offspring are offered.
They are not agouti degus anymore, but have almost no brown colour in their fur coat. This leads to a silver-grey-kind of fur, which is generally referred to as a blue fur colour. Blue degus are still pretty rare. The first appearance of blue degus in Germany dates back to the late 1990s.
Should You Keep a Degu as a Pet? - The Spruce Pets
Aug 25, 2023 · Just because you can bring a pet degu into your home doesn't mean you should. Here are the ethical and legal implications of owning these animals. Before owning an exotic pet, you should consider that while some exotic pets do fine, others can suffer under human care.
Exploring The World OF Degu Colors - Degu Rodents Pets
Have you ever seen Degu colors in steel blue or light grey? These shades are the result of genetic mutation. They are beyond their natural agouti hue. This non-agouti mutation results from dilution in the blue genes. The shades of this blue coloration vary from pale to deep blue.
Degu Information and Care Sheet | PetMD
Oct 10, 2017 · In the same family as chinchillas and guinea pigs, degus are rodents that live in large communities in complex underground burrows that they dig in the grasslands of Chile. As big as a guinea pig but with brown fur and a long, thin tail, degus look like oversized gerbils.
DEGUTOPIA -('):(')- For all your degu needs
This is the place to learn all there is to know about degus, including their origin, behaviour, history, physiology and tips on how to care for them, all set on a sound scientific basis. We're proud to provide the most accurate, up-to-date, fully referenced degu information on the net!
Degu - Utica Zoo
*Betty White is a blue pied degu. Degus are a diurnal rodent endemic to central Chile and are named after the local indigenous word for “mouse.” They are a very social species and live in groups of up to 10 individuals where they sleep, play, groom, and forage with each other.