Why is a very rare steak called 'blue'? - English Language & Usage ...
Nov 17, 2016 · Blue: Should still be a dark colour, almost purple, and just warm. It will feel spongy with no resistance. Rare: Dark red in colour with some juice flowing. It will feel soft and spongy with slight resistance. Medium-rare: A more pink colour with a little pink juice flowing. It will be a bit soft and spongy and slightly springy.
Rare when referred to meat not cooked for very long
Apr 13, 2021 · “Rare” (meaning “uncommon”) and “rare” (meaning “undercooked”) are actually two different words that nowadays happen to have the same spelling and pronunciation. The first “rare” 1 stems from Latin “rarus” and has cognates in most Romance languages.
analogy - If cow = beef, pig = pork, and deer = venison, then …
Oct 15, 2015 · Although there have been euphemisms for human meat, you seem to be wondering specifically about why human meat in particular doesn't have a well-known "dead meat food name" like other meats. It would just be "human". The reason is that "food" words are the rare exception, not the rule, due to an historical accident.
A term for "it's raining while the sun is shining"
Jan 30, 2020 · In my native Scotland, when rain falls from a clear blue sky, it’s called ‘lauchin’ rain’. It literally means, laughing rain. It literally means, laughing rain. Doesn't happen very often,though.
Where did the phrase blue sky thinking come from?
Jun 3, 2018 · Blue-sky thinking is the activity of trying to find completely new ideas. Some consultants are good at blue-sky thinking but cannot translate that into practical change. noun creative ideas that are not limited by current thinking or beliefs. Wiktionary defines it as: Noun blue-sky thinking (uncountable)
What is the term for when you become more aware of something?
Feb 21, 2014 · Blue Car Syndrome - a whole article there, but it's perfectly well defined in UrbanDictionary as... The act of seeing or hearing something and then suddenly seeing it everywhere. You buy a blue car, and suddenly you notice blue cars everywhere. Technically, as ermanen notes, it's a type of cognitive bias called the Frequency Illusion.
A word/phrase for an unexpected change or turn of events in a …
Mar 14, 2017 · The term watershed is often used for this. From Cambridge Dictionaries: watershed noun (BIG CHANGE) [Uncountable] an event or period that is important because it represents a big change and the start of new developments:
sentence - My favourite animal is a dog, the dog or dog - English ...
Dec 16, 2015 · My favourite animal is the dog , means the category of animal you prefer (correct one here) My favourite animal is a dog, means a particular dog (the one you've at home, for example) My favourite animal is dog, would be okay if you were eating dog meat –
Meaning of the phrase "to blow smoke up someone's arse"
Dec 9, 2016 · Database search results. The earliest match in a n Elephind search that explicitly identifies someone's ass as the conduit for blown smoke (in a slang sense) is from John Anderson, "Billie Carr: The 'Godmother' of Local Liberal Politics," in the [Houston, Texas] Rice Thresher (June 26 1975), the student newspaper at Rice University in Houston:
grammaticality - "How are" or "How is" the wife and kid? - English ...
Jun 5, 2011 · As others have mentioned, you shouldn't say "How is the wife and kid(s)."It's neither idiomatic, nor generally considered grammatical in standard English.