White Smoke? Blue Smoke? The Age Old Debate - Smoking Meat …
Nov 2, 2009 · Next comes blue smoke, which includes alcohols and other compounds evaporating, and lastly comes yellow smoke, which include tars. As this progresses, the residual wood chars (turns black). This is the basic charcoal making process. Apply enough heat to drive off the volatile compounds but not ignite the residual charred wood.
New Pit Day! 24 x48 Big Phil's Blue Smoke Smoker
Jul 24, 2022 · Well, today was the day I've been waiting six months for! Today I took delivery of my 24x48 Blue Smoke Smoker from Big Phil's. I was really worried I was going to have problems getting this thing in to my back yard, and it had to come through my house to get it …
Blue Smoke Smokers - Smoking Meat Forums
Jul 6, 2023 · Wiki Roll Call (Member Introductions) Blowing Smoke Smoking Meat, Etc. Cold Smoking Recipes Only Supplies & Equipment Home Gardening Cast Iron Food Preservation Just for Fun Groups Search forums What's new
Blue smoke , white smoke. - Smoking Meat Forums
Nov 2, 2014 · Normally blue for long smokes, white for much shorter ones, then you have the tweener. Maybe the following will help. Understanding Smoke Management - updated 5/18/13
A-Maze-N white or blue smoke? - Smoking Meat Forums
Apr 19, 2016 · To be honest even then I only really see smoke that looks truly thin and blue when I use my hot pellet smoker or are burning chunks of well seasoned wood. As JJ mentioned, the video above was using the tube for cold smoking and whichever smoke generator you use you will always get visible white smoke at these lower temperatures.
Blue smoke vs smoldering - Smoking Meat Forums
Jul 11, 2021 · White smoke is nothing more than moisture, that's why they preheat the wood before its put into the fire box, there's no evil toxic chemicals coming out of the charcoal and wood that can harm you, yes it can carry flavors better because of the moisture content of it but there's not much other way on a Weber to preheat the wood to help stop the white smoke, there is a long time from the start ...
Understanding Smoke Management - updated 12/08/14
Apr 12, 2013 · Understanding Smoke Management Recently, on several meat smoking and BBQ forums, including this one, I’ve noticed an uptick in the number of threads pertaining to the color of the smoke being produced, specifically Thin Blue Smoke (TBS) vs. Thick White Smoke (TWS). Various posts on the threads...
Thin blue smoke, what causes it? - Smoking Meat Forums
Jun 4, 2017 · They essentially become caramelized, which becomes thin blue smoke. White or grey smoke contains really bad stuff for flavor, most commonly ash and creosote. There is a big dispute whether it also contains unhealthy levels of PAHs, or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are carcinogenic.
Smoke Color Chart | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best Smoking …
Feb 14, 2015 · 1 Heavy white smoke while cold smoking nuts for 15 minutes. 2 Medium white smoke while cold smoking cheese to the desired color. 3 Thin light blue smoke while cold smoking salmon for canning, 1 hour. 4 Smoking lettuce with a 30 second burst of heavy pale blue smoke. Related threads:New to smoking or have a new smoker?
Thin blue smoke, possible? - Smoking Meat Forums
Mar 21, 2021 · Personally I think too much is made of the Thin "BLUE" smoke. My smoke is generally a combination of Thin Blue, Thin White, and Thin Gray Smoke----The Main word there is "THIN". I'm a firm believer of "Many Many Hours of Light, or "Thin" smoke is a good thing, but even a short time of "Heavy" Smoke can be a bad thing.