Blueschist - Wikipedia
Blueschist ( / ˈbluːʃɪst /), also called glaucophane schist, is a metavolcanic rock [1] that forms by the metamorphism of basalt and rocks with similar composition at high pressures and low temperatures (200–500 °C (392–932 °F)), approximately corresponding to a depth of …
Blueschist : Compositions, Properties, Formation - Geology Science
Jan 12, 2023 · The term “schist” refers to a type of metamorphic rock characterized by the alignment of mineral grains, giving it a foliated texture. Blueschist forms under conditions of high pressure, usually in subduction zones where an oceanic plate is …
Blueschist: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
A schist whose bluish colour is due to the presence of alkali amphibole (often glaucophane, but also riebeckite or other amphiboles in the Sodium Amphibole Subgroup. Blueschists are generally high-pressure, relatively low-temperature metamorphic rocks. Sorry, your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. Please feel free to link to this page.
Blueschist - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Blueschist is a type of rock that forms under high pressures and relatively low temperatures in association with subduction and continental collision processes. You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic.
Blueschist: A window into high-pressure/low-temperature …
Jul 20, 2020 · Blueschist is a regional metamorphic rock formed under high-pressure (HP) low-temperature (LT) conditions. It is formed in the subduction zone environment with low geothermal gradients (4–14°C km −1), and is characterized by the presence of HP/LT index minerals like glaucophane, lawsonite, aragonite, jadeite, and deerite.
Blueschist | rock | Britannica
…high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphic rocks called blueschists, which have a blue colour imparted by the glaucophane. Blueschists have basaltic bulk compositions and may also contain riebeckite. The latter also may occur in regional metamorphic schists.
Blueschist is a regional metamorphic rock formed under high-pressure (HP) low-temperature (LT) conditions. It is formed in the subduction zone environment with low geothermal gradients (4-14°C km -1 ) and is characterized by the presence of HP/LT index minerals like glaucophane, lawsonite, aragonite, jadeite, and deerite ( Fig.1 ).
Emergence of blueschists on Earth linked to secular changes in …
Dec 14, 2015 · Thermodynamic calculations now suggest that blueschist rocks could not have formed on a younger, hotter Earth. The oldest blueschists—metamorphic rocks formed during subduction—are of ...
Blueschists, eclogites, and subduction zone tectonics: Insights …
Jul 1, 2010 · Blueschist (glaucophane schist) is a metamorphosed basaltic rock, characterized by glaucophanic amphibole as the major constituent mineral.
Blueschist - Geology 1501 - ECU
Blueschist (subtype of Regional) Metamorphic Grade: High P – Low T: Parent Rock: Basalt and Seafloor sediments: Metamorphic Environment: Along subduction zones at convergent plate boundaries