(주)바이오머테리얼즈코리아 | Products
about bmk (주)바이오머테리얼즈코리아 (biomaterials korea)는 첨단의료기기 제조 및 연구개발 전문업체로서 치과교정, 구강외과, 성형외과 의료기기를 연구 개발하여 제조 및 공급 판매를 하고 있습니다.
BMK - Digital Marpe
Digital Maxillary Skeletal Expander (D-MSE), una nueva era digital a tu alcance !!!
BioMaterials Korea, Inc. - MARPE system
As an anchorage point in alveolar bone and/or gingiva, it offers orthodontic force with the aid of appropriate elastomers and/or metallic wire.
MARPE Miniscrew Assisted Rapid Palatal Expander - IOS Ortho
MARPE (Mini-Implant Assisted Rapid Palatal Expander) is an excellent solution for young adults without the need to do SARPE or orthognathic surgery. With the use of mini-implants, the force of expansion is transmitted to the palatal bone allowing the midpalatal suture to open easily.
BioMaterials Korea, Inc.
BioMaterials Korea, Inc. is manufacturing and selling advanced medical devices (eg. Orthodontic / Oral-Maxilla Facial / Plastic & Neuro Surgery products) as a State-of-the-art medical devices manufacturer and research and development specialist.
BioMaterials Korea, Inc. - Product list
Since Biomaterials Korea, Inc. established in 2003, our company's products have been used by domestic and foreign hospitals and doctors via participating domestic and international exhibition more than 10 times per year.
Distribuidor - Digital Marpe
BMK cuenta con una red de distribuidores, que a su vez están conectados entre sí con los laboratorios certificados. De ese modo, los laboratorios pueden realizar la fabricación digital del MSE tras recibir la planificación realizada por el Centro …
MSE II expander Dr. Moon (Maxillary Skeletal Expander)
Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE) is a specific type of Miniscrew Assisted Rapid Palatal Expander (MARPE), capable of producing large maxillary and midface expansion in young as well as in adult patients.
성인에서도 구개확장이 가능한가요? MARPE(miniscrew assisted RPE) or SARPE(surgically ...
Aug 18, 2019 · 하지만 임시골격고정원(TAD; miniscrew; SAS)의 등장하면서 새로운 치료 방법인 MARPE(miniscrew assisted RPE) 가 소개되었죠. 연세대학교 교정학교실의 이기준교수님께서 처음 이 MARPE 개념을 고안/설계하시면서 교정학계에 또 …
(주)바이오머테리얼즈코리아 | MSE
about bmk (주)바이오머테리얼즈코리아 (BIOMATERIALS KOREA)는 첨단의료기기 제조 및 연구개발 전문업체로서 치과교정, 구강외과, 성형외과 의료기기를 연구 개발하여 제조 및 공급 판매를 하고 있습니다.
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