In Boom Outhaul - Sailboat Owners Forums
Mar 14, 2021 · On my boom, the Internal Outhaul Tackle a 4-1 purchase. Block and Tackle assembly includes 25' of 5/16" line and 13' of 1/8" wire spliced to the Blocks. Becket block …
O'Day 19 Boom "down haul" - Sailboat Owners Forums
Dec 2, 2019 · Boom vangs mostly exist (in this type of boat) to hold the boom down and control main sail twist. When running deep reaches and runs, you do not want the boom to lift. Also, …
Repainting mast and boom | Sailboat Owners Forums
Mar 18, 2008 · They were recommended by the yacht yard. It's good I was sitting down at the time because it's a bit more than I expected. $4,616.17 to be exact. They propose to …
Boom rigging - Sailboat Owners Forums
Jul 11, 2012 · Also, my boom has two blocks, one in the middle and one at the end. Both only have one pulley. The rear of the deck has two non adjustable single blocks, and the side, …
Sun Awnings & Boom Tents - SailNet Community
May 20, 2013 · When those winds get over 30 MPH the boom tent becomes a huge sail, the boat swings wildly and there's a good chance it will get ripped off of the boat and blow overboard. If …
Attaching the boom leads to more questions... - Sailboat Owners …
Jun 11, 2018 · So yesterday I attached the boom to the mast and began to rig the boat based more on logical guesses than anything else (I also read a bunch of threads with the word …
Raise the Boom - SailNet Community
Feb 25, 2017 · In the case of the C&C 30 the boom was raised to give the boat a better rating under the racing rule of the era. What had been the 'tall rig' option became the stock rig. In any …
Bird nests in the boom - SailNet Community
May 27, 2014 · When I store the boat, I drape and tie screening over the dorade vents (and mast end if the mast is down), plug the exhaust with a rag or coffee cup, put rolled up screening …
Mainsail Bolt Rope or Slugs at Boom - SailNet Community
Sep 5, 2019 · it must have slots for the slugs in the mack pack to keep it from sliding off the boom in the middle. the stack packs that are used on a loose foot will have luff tape or slugs sewn on …
What is correct relative position of mast and boom
Oct 28, 2008 · If the boat has the mast rake set wrong, the boom may not be parallel to the water or at right angles to the mast. If the sail has stretched out, the boom may not be parallel to the …