Cruising Tips: Boomed-out Headsails - Sail Magazine
Jun 28, 2013 · Square the sails off and run! a very efficient low-maintenance configuration, especially on yachts with swept-back spreaders. To do so, furl your mainsail and run your …
Boomed Staysail - SailNet Community
Apr 1, 2008 · Come join the discussion about sailing, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, repairs, reviews, maintenance, and more! The new Womboat is essentially cutter rigged. …
Let's talk self-tending staysails and booms - Cruisers Forum
My old type boom is articulated right at the deck and can easily be brought up and fastened out of the way, or removed with one bolt if you really want to put a dinghy there. Thanks, a64. I like …
staysail boom; pros and cons - Cruisers & Sailing Forums
Feb 17, 2016 · I personally love boomed staysails if they are set up right. And that means having some sort of permanently rigged preventer tackles lead aft port and starboard to control and …
Winging out a cruising chute on a pole. Legal?
Feb 22, 2006 · boomed headsail that requires no adjustment when tacking. from which the head of the working sail is set. pole or whisker pole, provided that a spinnaker is not set. One …
Headsail furlers" rigged up to the main mast. - SailNet Community
Jul 31, 2023 · A lot of folks do not like roller furling boomed sails because they must have a reverse roach, but most cruisers sail with at least one reef a lot of the time, so the lost sail area …
Rules question, Assy poled out wing on wing - Sailing Anarchy …
Dec 7, 2014 · of this rule, bulwarks, rails and rubbing strakes are not part of the hull or deck and the following are not outriggers: a bowsprit used to secure the tack of a sail, a bumkin used to …
Why a boom? - Sailboat Owners Forums
Jul 23, 2010 · As most things in sailing, there are partial answers. The boom holds the foot of the sail out and allows it to maintain the proper angle to the wind without the leech being over …
Two Headsail Setups - Rigging Doctor
Jun 6, 2019 · Have you ever wondered about different types of two headsail setups on a sailboat? There are actually three different types. Cutter, Slutter, and Solent. A cutter has the mast set …
Heaving to - Wikipedia
A cutter may have more than one headsail, and a ketch, yawl or schooner may have more than one sail on a boom. In what follows, the jibs and boomed sails on such craft can either be …