Is this a box keel? Is it common? - The WoodenBoat Forum
Jul 27, 2006 · The simple answer to your question is "Yes" you could call that a variation of a boxed garboard keel. If you want to get a bit more specific, it would really be considered a deveopment of a "rolled garboard keel". Both 'boxed garboard' and ' rolled garboard keel construction was used in what people refer to as Sea Bright skiffs.
Box Keel - Boat Design Net
Feb 22, 2007 · There is a huge variety of box keel boats, from the long-established Sea Bright, the many Aitkin versions including his tunnel hulls, to the contemporary displacement glider. Things to remember are increased efficiency dose not mean increased speed.
A Box Keel Boat - The WoodenBoat Forum
Oct 9, 2016 · The box keel seemed like a logical way to go given the outline for the full size design, that being something that can stand on its own bottom, shallow draught, able to sail and also motor, and the box allows the engine and tankage to be kept low, hopefully improving righting moment with less ballast.
SKIMMER - Small Boats Magazine
The Seabright skiff design still lives on in the lifeguard boats used on the beaches up and down the coasts of the US. Now made of ‘glass instead of wood, they sit upright, resting their box keels, on rolling logs just touching the surf as they await the next rescue.
What is Keel on Ships and Boat? Types of Keel Explained!
Oct 25, 2024 · Duct keels are also known as “box keels”. Throughout the length of the keel, it allows pipes and other services. These keels are mounted between the front portion of the engine room bulkhead and the aft of the collision bulkhead.
Box? keel sailing hull - Boat Design Net
Sep 29, 2007 · I liked the idea of box keel = standing headroom. I think it can be done, but with the box keel as lowest board-up draft. A dagger to one side of a 2 ft wide box would give lateral plane.
Bolger Sneakeasy — A step-by-step 1997 construction pictorial of my box ...
Philip C. Bolger’s “Boats with an Open Mind” (McGraw-Hill International Marine 1994) describes both that version and the box keel version I built. Apparently, there are no expanded panels available for the latter (I assume those plans would be available from Bolger).
box keel runabout and safe speed | Boat Design Net
Sep 17, 2008 · I'm considering building a small (12'-16') flat-bottom w/ box keel, low-power runabout. The inspirations for this boat include the Boldger Sneakeasy and the displacement glider. It seems to me that the boldger step sharpies aren't quite what I would call "box keels."
Bolger box keel hull speed range? - The WoodenBoat Forum
Dec 30, 2012 · I am looking at a Bolger Champlain, 22 foot box keel hull with 10 hp outboard. I am wondering if it is practical to put a bit larger motor on her and make some tracks when I need to. 7 mph will be fine most of the time but what if?
Proafile Forums | BOX KEEL
Aug 11, 2011 · I think the “box keel and flats for planing” hull shape is one of the genius devellopments of Phil Bolger, but its not only the box, the planing surfaces are in the water to develop the dynamic lift for planing.
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