5. BTZ Nomination Procedures. For those meeting the CBB, commanders must provide 47 FSS/FSDP, Enlisted Promotions an AF IMT 1206 that consists of a maximum of 10 lines, single-spaced bullets not including topic headings. The AF IMT 1206 will also include whether the member is available to meet the CBB if a face-to-face board is held.
(Added) Nomination format: Unit commanders nominating Airmen to the CBB BTZ board will submit an AF Form 1206, Nomination for Award. Commanders will provide an AF Form 1206 in bullet format (see Attachment 3), and awarded decoration citation (s) to his/her board. The AF Form 1206 will be a maximum of 10 lines (including sub-bullets) not including
BTZ board and oversee board operations. Ensures the fair and equitable consideration of each nominee. The AF Form 1206 will be used to evaluate the following factors: (1) Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duties, (2) Whole Airman Concept.
Awards - Air Force's Personnel Center
Performance Statements are the AF narrative-style of writing to communicate performance on the AF Form 1206, Nomination for Award (2 Aug 17). Performance Statements are efficient, increase clarity, and improve the ability to understand an Airman’s performance correctly and equitably.
BTZ (Below the Zone) EPR Bullet Examples
Earned/Won Below the Zone - Highly regarded and ambitious Airman; selected as and promoted to coveted SrA Below the Zone -- well deserved! - Leader amongst peers; selected as 2013 "Amn of the Year" and earned BTZ selection--top performer to date
)or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .mil website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.
Narrative BTZ Packages : r/AirForce - Reddit
Nov 20, 2022 · This is my first narrative BTZ package that I have to write. I have written packages before when they use to be bullets. Does anyone have an example on how the paragraphs should look like when written?
AF Form 1206/Nomination for Award Performance Statements . v1, 30 Sep 2022 . Overview: “Performance Statements” are the AF narrative-style of writing to communicate . performance on the AF Form 1206, Nomination for Award (2 Aug 17). Performance Statements are efficient, increase clarity, and improve the ability to understand an Airman’s ...
The DAF Form 1206 will cover accomplishments that occurred between the members Total Active Federal Military Service Date (TAFMSD) and the BTZ board cut-off date. The board will also consider any decoration citations, and the SURF.
Promotion / BTZ / STEP - AF Mentor
Feb 11, 2010 · Supplemental Below-the-Zone (BTZ) Consideration: Example letter to use for a member who missed a BTZ board for a faulty DOR. EXAMPLE Packages: BTZ Example 1: SrA Below the Zone (BTZ) that did not win, but there are notes - 3C0X1: BTZ Example 2: SrA Below the Zone (BTZ) winning example. BTZ Example 3: SrA Below the Zone (BTZ) 2005; Additional ...
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