USAF BTZ Calculator
Projected Promotion Dates. Your BTZ board will be December 2025. You will sew on Senior Airman Below The Zone January 21st, 2026. If you don't get BTZ, you will sew on SrA July 21st, 2026
ENLISTED PROMOTIONS - Air Force's Personnel Center
For detailed information regarding the Below the Zone (BTZ) Program, Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS), eligibility criteria, general promotion testing and links to other resources related to enlisted promotions, please follow the link below.
Earn an extra stripe: Senior Airman 'Below the Zone' - U.S. Air Force
Jul 27, 2021 · For a select few Airmen, an opportunity to promote early presents itself through below-the-zone promotions. Senior airman below-the-zone is a one-time advancement consideration to earn the rank of senior airman from the rank of airman first class six months before the standard fixed promotion date.
Below the zone - Wikipedia
Below the zone (BTZ) is a competitive early promotion program offered to enlisted U.S. Air Force personnel in the grade of Airman First Class/E-3. This early promotion opportunity is restricted to exceptional Airmen who stand out from their peers and perform duties at a …
This instruction implements AFPD 36-25, Military Promotion and Demotion and establishes procedures, policy, and responsibilities that apply to all squadrons assigned to Laughlin AFB. It is provided to explain and standardize the processing procedures for the Senior Airman (SrA) Below-the-Zone (BTZ) Promotion Program. The Central Base Board (CBB)
BTZ Spotlight: How to Pin On SrA Early - Total Force Hub
1 day ago · Know Your Promotion Path: Standard SrA promotions require 36 months TIS and 20 months TIG (or 28 months TIG), while BTZ lets top performers pin on six months sooner. Skill-Level Requirements: If you can’t get your 3-skill level on time for reasons beyond your control, your commander can request a retroactive date once you’re qualified.
PROMOTION - Air Force's Personnel Center
The link above will navigate users to the active-duty Officer Promotions webpage and includes information regarding promotion results and increments.
Commissioned Corps Management Information System
Oct 27, 2023 · BTZ promotions are for truly exceptional officers who are performing at a high level, in a position that exceeds their current grade, and who have demonstrated leadership and made broad impacts in their discipline and assigned programs. The BTZ process is outlined in.
BTZ Calculator: Calculate Below the zone promotions
The BTZ calculator is an essential tool for Air Force personnel looking to determine their eligibility for Below-the-Zone (BTZ) promotions. BTZ allows exceptional Airmen to advance from E-3 (Airman First Class) to E-4 (Senior Airman) six months early, providing a …
DAFI36-2502 Enlisted Airman Promotion And Demotion Programs
DAFI36-2502 prescribes the policies and procedures governing the promotion and demotion of enlisted airmen in the United States Air Force, including eligibility requirements, promotion criteria, and administrative processes to ensure a fair and orderly advancement of eligible personnel.