Latest Updates - BUBO Listing
Mar 5, 2025 · BUBO Listing is free! Please support us with a donation towards development and hosting costs
BUBO Listing - World Bird Listing
BUBO Listing is the fun way to record, share and compare your bird lists for any location worldwide using the most accurate checklists available. Just choose the location you want to keep a list for and enter a record whenever you get a tick!
Creating A List - BUBO Listing
BUBO Listing does not currently recommend any of these rules, any we may in future produce our own guidelines in discussion with BUBO Listers. We feel, however, that simplicity is best. In short, if you come across a bird without having acted on prior information concerning the whereabouts of that specific individual of that species, we feel it ...
World - sc.bubo.org
Mar 2, 2025 · BUBO Listing - World Bird Listing. Record, share and compare your bird lists for any location worldwide using the most accurate checklists available
Active BUBO Listers
BUBO Listing - World Bird Listing. Record, share and compare your bird lists for any location worldwide using the most accurate checklists available
BUBO, eBird, BirdTrack and WorldBirds - BUBO Listing
BUBO Listing concentrates on providing features that birders want personally, whereas the WorldBirds systems tend to concentrate on getting the data that they need to meet other requirements lists should be appropriate for the location in question – throughout the world there are established authorities maintaining checklists for their locations.
Checklists Home - sc.bubo.org
Mar 2, 2025 · The different authorities used by BUBO Listing are available below, arranged within regions. Click on a region and then the required authority to read more information about it, follow links to the official websites and to view the full species lists as used by BUBO Listing.
Britain - British Ornithologists' Union (BOU) British List - BUBO …
Within BUBO Listing, the BOU authority can be used for lists in Britain, the constituent countries of England, Scotland and Wales, and smaller units of Britain such as counties. Note that the BOU List does not apply to Ireland (but see the 'Britain and Ireland' authority).
Kentucky Bird Records Committee (KBRC) - mobile.bubo.org
The Kentucky Bird Records Committee is a committee of Kentucky Ornithological Society (KOS). The KBRC maintains the Checklist of Kentucky Birds.
What is BUBO? - BUBO Forum
Jun 23, 2010 · BUBO is a small group of birders who were at Bristol University in the early 1990s; BUBO stood for Bristol University Birding Organisation (although we were seldom very organised). Connections with Bristol are now limited, but the name stuck.
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