Monks With Guns: Discovering Buddhist Violence
Jan 12, 2010 · The constant fear and violence took a toll on them. Monks talked about the guns they had bought and now kept at their bedsides. Others spoke heatedly about the violent militant attacks on Buddhist civilians and monasteries.
should a practicing buddhist own a gun? - Dhamma Wheel
May 21, 2012 · A Buddha wouldn't act that way out of self defense. And let alone all the troubles it may cause if the intruder himself also had a gun. But again, you make the choice.
A Buddhist Response to Recent Gun Violence - Tricycle
May 29, 2022 · The Buddha’s teachings enable us to take it all in and transform the muck into a life of awakening. However, it is so easy for us to be consumed by our anger when we encounter difficulties in life. Our unresolved anger and resentment lead to more suffering.
When is violent self-defence justified in Buddhist ethics?
Dec 17, 2021 · The Dalai Lama was once asked by a high school student how she should respond if someone entered her school with a gun. To everyone’s surprise, he said that “if someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to …
How should Buddhists respond to the gun violence epidemic?
Mar 24, 2018 · When someone is firing randomly into a crowd with a semi-automatic rifle, the loving-kindness prayer is not going to help. We should also remember the first noble truth of Buddhism, that human existence is marked by suffering.
Is Buddhism Violent? - Lion's Roar
Nov 1, 2019 · So why do some monks carry guns and preach hatred? In this conversation with Lion's Roar, religious studies professor Michael Jerryson says that, if you look closely, "violence abounds" in Buddhist doctrine.
Zen at the Rifle Range: The Levels of Buddhist Concentration
Dec 28, 2016 · In Buddhism, there are “levels” of concentration, three or four of them. Right Concentration can help us cross over into blissful, “mystical” states that people sometimes associate with Buddhist practice.
Monks with Guns - Utne
Apr 7, 2010 · Monks talked about the guns they now kept at their bedsides. Others spoke heatedly about the violent militant attacks on Buddhist civilians and monasteries. Although the cause of the violence was and is multilayered–owing much to corruption, drug trade, and corporatization–many monks also felt Islam was to blame.
How Buddhists Can React to Gun Violence - World Religion News
Dec 18, 2015 · Buddhist Priest and author Zenju Earthlyn Manuel describes how Buddhists must respond to gun violence.
Shakyamuni Buddha, born to "warrior caste" taught how to be a …
Buddhists face the same dilemmas and tough choices as a soldier with a gun. The soldier might have enlisted to save lives, to stop terrorism, to protect his nation — all positive motivations — and any killing would be in defence of innocents. They may take on the karma of the killing, but may still feel morally vindicated by the lives they ...