All the bufo emojis you could possibly ask for - GitHub
"Bufo also known as Froge or Concerned Frog refers to a set of Discord emotes of a worried or concerned frog expressing various emotions, similar to Pepe emotes. The frog image comes from the now-inactive mobile game Froge, released in 2014 by Fandom Inc. and became popularized as a set of Discord emotes starting in 2020.
all-the-bufo/README.md at main · knobiknows/all-the-bufo
"Bufo also known as Froge or Concerned Frog refers to a set of Discord emotes of a worried or concerned frog expressing various emotions, similar to Pepe emotes. The frog image comes from the now-inactive mobile game Froge, released in 2014 by Fandom Inc. and became popularized as a set of Discord emotes starting in 2020.
all-the-bufo/index.md at main · knobiknows/all-the-bufo - GitHub
All the bufo emojis you could possibly ask for. Contribute to knobiknows/all-the-bufo development by creating an account on GitHub.
seanprashad/slackmoji: A collection of 1,000+ emoji for Slack
A collection of 1,000+ emoji for Slack. Contribute to seanprashad/slackmoji development by creating an account on GitHub.
wlonkly/slackmojis: A collection of popular emojis for Slack - GitHub
Change to the directory you want to import emoji from. Run the following command, ensuring to substitute the name of your Slack workspace. The xargs prevents an open-files bug with an upload speed of one emoji every 4 seconds, or 15 per minute (20 max as per Slack rate limits):
what is bufo · Issue #13 · knobiknows/all-the-bufo - GitHub
Sep 14, 2023 · All the bufo emojis you could possibly ask for. Contribute to knobiknows/all-the-bufo development by creating an account on GitHub.
big bufo should be bigbufo_row_column rather than column_row …
️ 5 giannis2two, maxbrunet, marwanad, jaybonthius, and felipe-cohere reacted with heart emoji
bufo-text-interpolation/emoji-names.txt at main - GitHub
Tool to map a string to corresponding bufo emojis. Contribute to mfreyre/bufo-text-interpolation development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - Denver-Devs/emojis: A collection of our emojis that …
Missing an emoji you know exists on DD? It's probably because Dan is being lazy again. Open an issue on this repo or ping the #topic-emoji channel and :shame: Dan into updating it.
Releases · massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts - GitHub
Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, TSforge, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting. - Releases · massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts
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