bunq | bank of The Free
Mobiles Banking, das dein Leben leicht macht. Teste bunq noch heute mit einem kostenlosen 30-Tage-Probeabo deiner Wahl. Um dein Konto zu eröffnen, brauchst du nur dein Handy, deinen Ausweis und 5 Minuten Zeit.
Media kit: Logos | bunq Newsroom
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bunq | bank of The Free
Mobile banking that makes life easy. Try bunq today with a free 30-day trial of any plan. All you need to open your account is your phone, ID and 5 minutes.
Media kits: Logos and Icons - bunq newsroom
Logos and Icons; Logos and Icons Logos. 3.15 MB. Open media kit. Icons. 76.6 KB. Open media kit. Rainbow. 2.57 MB. Open media kit. Get the latest bunq news Subscribe to our newsroom and automatically receive bunq update. ... I agree that bunq stores my data in …
bunq Web
Access and manage your bunq account from any device directly in your browser with bunq Web.
Media kits | bunq Newsroom
Logos and Icons 3 Media kits People. 237 MB. Open media kit. bunq update 25. 5.28 MB. Open media kit. bunq update 26. 6.21 MB. Open media kit. bunq update 27. 78.4 MB. Open media kit. ... Search the entire bunq Newsroom Find news releases, media kits and clippings. Search. Navigate to a media section
bunq has a new logo!
Some of you have been playing around with the bunq colors recently (even going as far as making a background pack! https://together.bunq.com/topic/bunq-background-pack) and we're sure you would like to use the right logo for this in the future, so we added a zip file to this post with the materials!
bunq Logo_White_Tagline.svg
bunq Logo_White_Tagline.svg Download
bunq Logo_Black_Tagline.svg
bunq Logo_Black_Tagline.svg Download
About Us - bunq
We’re bunq – bank of The Free. Our mission is to break through banking and make life easy for everyone by removing the hassle of money management. Compare Plans