Prof. Dr. Byron Cook, FREng - UCL Computer Science
Byron Cook is Professor of Computer Science at University College London (UCL). Byron is also Vice President and Distinguished Scientist at Amazon and AWS . Byron's interests include theorem proving, logic, program analysis/verification, and programming languages.
Byron Cook - cs.ucl.ac.uk
Byron Cook. Role: Professor of Computer Science Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge (No photo available) Contact Details: University College London Computer Science Gower Street London WC1E 6BT United Kingdom. Office:-Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 - …
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Terminator: Beyond Safety (Tool Paper) Byron Cook1, Andreas Podelski2,3, and Andrey Rybalchenko2,4 1 Microsoft Research 2 Max-Planck-Institut f¨ur Informatik 3 Universit¨at Freiburg, Institut f¨ur Informatik 4 EPFL Abstract. Previous symbolic software model checkers (i.e., programanalysis tools based on predicate abstraction, pushdown model check-
Byron Cook Microsoft Research Cambridge Abstract. In this paper we introduce the basic concepts behind the problem of proving program termination, including well-founded rela-tions, well-ordered sets, and ranking functions. We also connect notion of termination of computer programs with that of well-founded relations.
Pointers to public information on Automated Reasoning at …
Byron Cook answers "what's new" in Automated Reasoning for AWS over the past year Neha Rungta discusses constraint-based reasoning tools in AWS Config Rules . Lectures by AWS customers:
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BYRON COOK is a professor of computer sci-ence at University College London and director of Automated Reasoning at Amazon. Contact him at [email protected]. RIMA TANASH is the lead security engineer with the Amazon Security Hub service team, where she applies automated reasoning technologies to audit various access configurations. Her research ...
Byron Cook 1, Sumit Gulwani , Tal Lev-Ami2,?, Andrey Rybalchenko3,??, and Mooly Sagiv2 1 Microsoft Research 2 Tel Aviv University 3 MPI-SWS Abstract. We describe a method for synthesizing reasonable underap-proximations to weakest preconditions for termination—a long-standing open problem. The paper provides experimental evidence to demonstrate
Byron Cook Amazon Web Services & University College London Abstract. We report on the development and use of formal veri cation tools within Amazon Web Services (AWS) to increase the security assur-ance of its cloud infrastructure and to help customers secure themselves. We also discuss some remaining challenges that could inspire future re-