java - Convert Byte array to an Icon - Stack Overflow
Jun 8, 2020 · Instead you need to create an ImageIcon first from the image: BufferedImage someImage = ImageIO.read(something); Icon icon = new ImageIcon(someImage); someJLabel.setIcon(icon); You can also pass the byte array directly into the ImageIcon constructor as this will work too
C#.NET: Convert Icon to byte[] and back again - Stack Overflow
Jul 15, 2010 · You go via a MemoryStream, basically: public static byte[] IconToBytes(Icon icon) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { icon.Save(ms); return ms.ToArray(); } } …
How to extract Icons from Exe or DLL byte array / memory stream?
Aug 17, 2015 · I need to get icons from .exe and .dll file streams directly without temporary files. This file stream is obtained from the MSI package "Icon" table. I was able to successfully extract Icon from ".ico" file stream from the MSI package "Icon" table with this code: public static Icon BytesToIcon(byte[] bytes) {
[RESOLVED] Icon -> ByteArray -> Icon-VBForums
Jun 28, 2007 · I need to store and retrieve icons in my database (SQL Server 2000, Image field). I have a function to convert the icon to a byte array so it can be stored in the database:
[RESOLVED] How to convert a byte array to image ?-VBForums
Dec 7, 2013 · This can be resolved by doing the byte to picture conversion by the "API" way and use the property bag just a byte array holder and not as a object holder. Or if you want to stay with the property bag then you need to load the 16x16 icon at design mode in the picture box and not at runtime via LoadPicture ().
.NET Maui How to convert a byte array image to a .NET maui image
Mar 21, 2023 · byte[] imageAsBytes = (byte[])actorInfo[0].tActPhoto; var stream = new MemoryStream(imageAsBytes); Image aImage = new Image. Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => stream) . };
Icon.CreateWithData (Byte [], Int32, Int32) Method …
Create an Icon pointing to a compressed bitmap stored in a byte array. public static Android.Graphics.Drawables.Icon CreateWithData(byte[]? data, int offset, int length); Byte …
ByteArrayToImageSourceConverter - .NET MAUI Community …
The ByteArrayToImageSourceConverter is a converter that allows the user to convert an incoming value from a byte array and returns an ImageSource. This object can then be used as the Source of an Image control.
How to convert an icon to byte array - Embarcadero: Delphi
Jan 8, 2004 · In my delphi project I have loaded an icon which is displayed in an imagebox. I now need to save the icon into a 'byte array'. How can this be done ?
Creating an HICON from a byte array in C++? - Stack Overflow
Dec 17, 2009 · I have a PNG-encoded icon as a byte array in memory. What is the recommended way of creating an HICON object from this byte array?