Size comparison: C5, C17 and C130 : r/aviation - Reddit
The C-17 can land with 172,000 lbs in a distance of 2370 feet. It can do this with better maneuverability and reversing capability. Also I was referring to the mission compatibility rates. This is a rating of the aircraft meeting mission requirements. The C-5 was always in the low 60% range and the C-17 was in the upper 90% range.
C-17 Globemaster vs C-130 Hercules - General Discussion
Mar 17, 2006 · C-17 is the cutting edge airlifter while the C-130 has one of the rare tactical missions in heavies. Also there are so many models that if you ever want to transition into something more exciting there are many options available.
C-17 vs C-130 - Jet Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
Feb 8, 2008 · Short answer: The C-17 is about twice as long, and 25% wider in span. To put it another way, in terms of gross cargo capacity, the C-17 could lift a full, fully loaded C-130, with 15 000 pounds to spare.
C-17 Globemaster vs C-130 Hercules - Page 3 - Baseops Forums
Mar 17, 2006 · When I flew the C-130AMP sim, my SA was 10x greater than the legacy C-130s, I imagine your SA is just as much in the C-17. 95% of what the "slick" C-130s can do, the C-17 can do better (I know this sentence will cause controversy on this message board, but even as a herk guy, I believe it).... the only problem is, most C-17 crews are focused on ...
C-17 Globemaster vs C-130 Hercules - Page 2 - General Discussion ...
Mar 17, 2006 · The C-17 (for the most part) stays on the well defined AMC enroute structure. The C-17 is an AMC superstar. The C-130 is an AMC red-headed step child. There are folks who have flown both- I think it would be easier going from a legacy C-130 to a C-17 than vice versa. The C-17 to C-130J would be fine too. I don't know anything about the CV-22 ...
C-17 Globemaster vs C-130 Hercules - Page 6 - General Discussion ...
C-17 Globemaster vs C-130 Hercules. By Guest getusome March 17, 2006 in General Discussion. Share ...
Loadmaster C17 vs C130… : r/AirForce - Reddit
Jul 7, 2022 · C-17 is more preferable IMO. Especially if you want to do any real traveling. 2hrs vs 45mins is also no big deal either. It’s not some commute you’ll have to make like a daily job.
C-5 Next to a C-130 and a few fighters. : r/aviation - Reddit
Jan 2, 2021 · Don't forget the C-5ski. The 124 dimensions are much closer to that of the C-5. During my dad's MAC days, the joke was that when the spies stole the C-5 plans, they converted from SAE to metric a tad wrong, and that's why the Ruslan dimensions are a tad different. 😎
Pros and cons of flying C-130, C-17, and KC135...I understand
Mar 17, 2023 · Go 130’s. More fun and overall just better. C-17 wouldn’t be bad either, better time builder. Avoid the 135 . Flew 6 years as a Herc nav and 5 as a 135 pilot, and I’m trying to go fly something other than the 135 at the moment.
Why did the USAF continue to use the AC-130 instead of newer
Oct 19, 2021 · A C-130 can get in and out of places a C-17 cannot. It can get into places with unimproved runways, roads, grass strips, etc. A C-17 can't. Also, why use a huge plane when a smaller more economical one will do? The cost of operating a C-130 is in the range of $6,600 per hour. A C-17 goes for around $23,800 per hour.