The CIO Organization Chart: How Are IT Units Structured?
Mar 4, 2021 · The CIO organizational chart provides a way to ensure that every employee is educated on the new developments and can use them effectively. Industry-wide digital transformation is at an all-time high, and organizations must …
Deputy CIO for Enterprise Operations & Shared Services IM-60 Todd Brinson Greg Doan, Associate DCIO Dawn Zimmer IM-1 Ross Graber Principal Deputy CIO 3/18/2025 OFFICE OF THE ... Human Capital & Administrative Management. Title: OCIO-Org Chart - 022722 Created Date: 3/3/2022 3:09:44 PM ...
Christina Addison (A) CISO Deputy CIO Sairah Ijaz (P) CIO Chief Technology Officer (P) = Permanent (A) = Acting Juan Sargeant (P) Digital Services Ivo Djoubrailov (P) Chief Officer Assistant CIO Customer Relationship & Performance Management Office William Thompson (P) Deputy Assistant CIO Crystal Washington (P)
CIO/CIT Organizational Charts - IT@Cornell
CIO/CIT Organizational Charts. Organizational structure and staffing for the Office of the CIO and Cornell Information Technologies (CIT)
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CIO Org Chart
Chancellor Richard Lyons Associate Chancellor and Chief of Staff Rosemary Kim Executive Assistant Jaime Lopez-Miramontes Associate Director, Board of
Organization - Department of Energy
Committed to Restoring America’s Energy Dominance.
Berkeley IT Org Chart - Information Technology
You have a few options: this interactive PDF of the IT org chart, visit the IT Org Chart Slides document on bDrive (click "Present" for a full-screen and interactive view), select the image below to open the slide deck, or this text-only version. Each of …
How to structure an IT team: Examples & org charts | PDQ
Sep 26, 2024 · We’ll walk you through what you should know about developing an IT organization chart and explain different departments and position titles. Most IT departments have either a functional organizational structure or a matrix organization model. Both focus on projects and have a clear chain of command, but they differ slightly in their approaches.
Organization Chart - CIO Wiki
Apr 5, 2023 · An organization chart shows the internal structure and hierarchies of an organization, like a business, school, or government entity. It creates an easy visual depiction of the ranks of different people, jobs, and departments that make up the organization.
Org Chart > Office of Information Technology
Mark Dieterich Chief Information Security Officer. Steven Duncan Assistant CIO, Enterprise Applications. Wendy Octeau Assistant to the VP of IT/CIO & Administrative Manager. Don Rogers Assistant CIO, IT Support & Customer Experience . Paul Stey Assistant CIO, Research Software Engineering and Data Science. Linnea Wolfe Deputy CIO Deputy CIO
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