CM9 - difficulty racking the slide [Archive] - KahrTalk Forums
I'm olderin all of ya and I've put 800 thru my CM9 and IT'S STILL HARD TO RACK THE SLIDE. Albeit a bit easier. I'm 70 and have arthritis so am aware of the problem. Mine has a little over …
Kahr Cm9 Question | Springfield XD Forum - xdtalk.com
Sep 26, 2011 · It will always have a heavy spring to rack but gets better and you get stronger and better at racking it in time. Go over to Kahrtalk.com and look in the TECH section for the …
CM9 - difficulty racking the slide - kahrtalk.com
Dec 30, 2014 · Hold the cm9 in front of you as instructed and push your arms together keeping them in line and you will find that the cm9 racks easy as pie. And it does get much easier as …
Kahr CM9 slide spring | Defensive Carry
Sep 8, 2012 · The CM9 as new are tough to rack the slide. Small area to grip and it has sought spring. It does get easier after you clean it and shoot it about 200 rounds. They are very …
CM9 recoil spring too stiff - KahrTalk
Jan 23, 2013 · Anyone know if there are lighter recoil springs for the CM9? I decided to purchase one of these pistols for my wife, who doesn't prefer revolvers; however, she does have some …
Kahr CM9 for pocket carry? Does anybody have one?
Jun 18, 2024 · They are indeed tough to rack but that stiff recoil spring is there for two reasons, recoil mitigation and timing. Using the cam to complete the striker spring compression, …
Kahr CM9 - One, maybe two rounds and malfunction
May 16, 2011 · I must say I have never come across a semi-automatic pistol this hard to rack. Tight tolerances. Kahr does nor recommend that you rack any rounds until after break-in.
Kahr CM9 - CarolinaFirearmsForum
Jul 5, 2024 · Great double action trigger. Can be hard to rack the slide for some due to the strong recoil spring. Very easy to conceal in a pocket holster.
Kahr CM9 issue and fix | Defensive Carry
Jan 4, 2019 · In particular, "plastic" (including engineered plastic) mag followers will degrade in function over time as they nearly universally push on or rub against hard metal parts. Best to …
CM9 First Rounds : r/Kahr - Reddit
Mar 29, 2023 · Sometimes I get a good 2 shots in a row but 95% of time I have to manually rack to reset trigger.. 3 of 5. All ammo has the same result plus most times slide doesn"t lockback …