Using CAID Hashes in a Child Sexual Abuse Material Investigation
Apr 27, 2021 · 5-Minute CAID Training: Learn how to use CAID Hashes in a Child Sexual Abuse Material Investigation (CSAM) with ADF digital forensic triage software tools.
Non-RDS Hash Sets - NIST
May 16, 2016 · Child Abuse Image Database (CAID) sets. The NSRL publishes JSON format sets of metadata about multimedia files which can be imported into CAID tools. The current delta updates to the NIST NSRL CAID JSON are available for download with hash signatures at: RDS/CAID/current/NSRL-CAID-JSONs.zip.sha RDS/CAID/current/NSRL-CAID-JSONs.zip
Child abuse image database - GOV.UK
Nov 16, 2015 · The child abuse image database (CAID) contributes to the fight against online child sexual exploitation and abuse.
Project VIC Hashes
Law Enforcement Officers download this intelligence, commonly known as Project VIC Hashes, into their digital investigation tool of choice and then use that tool to identify known child sexual abuse materials in a case. The intelligence makes triaging a new case much easier than trying to review all the materials in a case manually.
What is CAID: The Child Abuse Image Database in the UK - ADF …
Mar 18, 2020 · CAID is a secure database that consists of illegal images and videos of child exploitation used by UK Law Enforcement. This database is used to help identify both victims and perpetrators of child exploitation. Technologically savvy, CAID has the tools for facial, object, and relationship mapping.
Support for NIST CAID (Child Abuse Image Database) hash dataset
May 24, 2022 · The NSRL CAID dataset contains the set of all multimedia file hashes in the NSRL database, which are benign in nature, with the main use case for the CAID dataset meant to be used to weed out known multimedia files while searching seized devices, which may contain child exploitation media.
How To Use Rapid Hash Matching In The Battle Against CSAM
Jul 31, 2023 · XRY is unique in its ability to perform rapid hash matching against data downloaded from international databases of observed CSAM, such as Project VIC and CAID. With XRY, investigators can connect a suspect’s phone to the software and conduct hash matching while the phone’s extraction is ongoing.
Magnet Hash Sets Manager
Download and distribute hash sets to devices on your network from Project VIC, Child Abuse Database, and more, with Hash Sets Manager. For our enterprise customers, you can also use Hash Sets Manager to upload custom hash sets.
The Use of Rapid Hash Matching in CSAM Investigations - MSAB
Apr 25, 2023 · XRY is unique in its ability to perform rapid hash matching against data downloaded from international databases of observed CSAM, such as Project VIC and CAID. With XRY, investigators can connect a suspect’s phone to the software and conduct hash matching while the phone’s extraction is ongoing.
Magnet AXIOM Now VICS Certified by Project VIC International
Jun 11, 2019 · In places like the UK where tools must be certified by Project VIC International and have support for CAID hash sets, Magnet AXIOM is now an option for agencies to use within their child exploitation investigations.