Calocedrus - Wikipedia
Calocedrus decurrens, the California incense cedar, is a popular ornamental tree, grown particularly in locations with cool summer climates like Britain, Washington and British Columbia. Its very narrow columnar crown in landscape settings, an unexplained consequence of the climatic conditions in these areas, is not shown by trees in their ...
Calocedrus decurrens - Wikipedia
Calocedrus decurrens, with the common names incense cedar[3] and California incense cedar[4] (syn. Libocedrus decurrens Torr.), is a species of coniferous tree native to western North America. It is the most widely known species in the genus, and is often simply called incense cedar without the regional qualifier. [5][6][7]
翠柏属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
翠柏属 又名 肖楠屬 (学名: Calocedrus)是 柏科 下的一个属,在1873年首次被描述為一個屬 [1][2]。 为常绿 乔木 植物。 该属有6種植物,現存4种、滅絕2種;現存物種分布于 北美 、 東亞 [3] 及 南亚 [4]。 英語俗名為「incense cedar(香雪松)」,屬名的拉丁文字義為「美麗的雪松」。 蘇拉提斯肖楠 Calocedrus suleticensis:一種在中歐發現的肖楠化石,證明了歐洲也曾經有肖楠屬的植物生存 [5]。 ^ Kurz, Wilhelm Sulpiz (1873). "On a few new plants from Yunan". Journal of …
翠柏属 - 百度百科
翠柏属(学名: Calocedrus ):是 松杉纲 、 柏科 下的一个属,为 雌雄 同株的 常绿 乔木 ;生 鳞叶 的小枝直展、扁平,排成一平面,两面异形,下面的鳞叶微凹、有 气孔 点。
Calocedrus decurrens - Landscape Plants | Oregon State University
Leaves in 4's closely pressed, a "fluted wine-glass" pattern formed by each outside (lateral) pair of leaves, lustrous dark green throughout the year (little or no winter browning), emitting an aromatic odor when crushed.
翠柏属(Calocedrus)是柏科下的一个重要属,包括6种植物,现存4种,分布于北美、东亚及南亚。 了解翠柏属植物的分类、分布及其生态特性。 TOOLS
北美翠柏 - 百度百科
北美翠柏(学名:Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.) Florin)是柏科、翠柏属乔木,高达57米。树皮肉桂褐色。小枝裂片多数比宽长2倍或更多。叶3-14毫米。雄球果红棕色到浅棕色。雌球果闭合时长圆形卵形,红棕色至金棕色,种子4或更少,浅棕色。分布于墨西哥、美国。
Calocedrus decurrens - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant …
In addition to its aromatic and showy foliage, this conifer sports interesting exfoliating gray-brown bark and showy male and female cones. Its form is broadly conical with spreading branches. The branchlets are flattened and terminate in dense, fan-like sprays. The dark green leaves emit an aromatic odor when crushed.
Incense-cedar grows on many kinds of soil and is one of the most prominent conifers on serpentine soils. Typically, it is a component of mixed conifer forest and may make up as much as 50% of the total stand (Powers and Oliver 1990). Trees are harvested primarily for lumber and for round or split wood products.
Calocedrus description - conifers.org
Description of the evolution, biology, distribution, ecology, and uses of the species in the conifer genus Calocedrus.