Cambion » Monster Stat Block - DnD 5e - AideDD
A cambion is the offspring of a fiend (usually a succubus or incubus) and a humanoid (usually a human).
Cambion - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
A cambion (pronounced: /ˈkæmbiɒn/ KÆM-bee-on[5] listen) was generally described as any humanoid creature that was half-fiend.[6] The exact meaning of the term "cambion" has differed over the years. Some sources stated a "true" cambion" was the union of a planetouched woman (usually a tiefling...
Cambion - 5etools
A cambion is the offspring of a fiend (usually a succubus or incubus) and a humanoid (usually a human). Cambions inherit aspects of both parents, but their horns, leathery wings, and sinewy tails are hallmarks of their otherworldly parentage. Born to Be Bad.
Cambion (5e Race) - D&D Wiki
Jul 25, 2024 · Easily the most common cambions are those born of a mortal man and a succubus. Cambion daughters of succubi are known as "alu-fiends," or "alu-demons," but there is functionally no difference between them and their male counterparts.
Cambion - DnD content - Wikidot
A cambion is the offspring of a fiend (usually a succubus or incubus) and a humanoid (usually a human). Cambions inherit aspects of both parents, but their horns, leathery wings, and sinewy tails are hallmarks of their otherworldly parentage.
Cambion - Search - D&D Beyond
When customizing an infernal cambion, you can replace spells in that trait with ones of the same level from the list of signature spells in the cult entry of the devilish parent. The cambion can use these spells once per day each.
Cambion 5e: Stats and Guide for Players and DMs - Black Citadel …
Jun 29, 2022 · A complete creature guide to the Cambion in DnD 5e including stat block, strengths, weaknesses, tactics, lore, and DM advice for making encounters.
Demon, Cambion - 5th Edition SRD
When an incubus procreates with a humanoid in the Abyss, and the mortal parent resides on that plane throughout the pregnancy, the gestating child absorbs enough Abyssal energy to be born not as a half-demon, but as a type of humanoid demon known as …
Cambion (5e) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Jan 14, 2024 · Cambion Medium Fiend , Any Evil Alignment: Armor Class: 19 (scale mail) Hit Points: 82 Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
Cambion (Half-Fiend) - 5th Edition SRD
When an incubus (or in more grisly occurrences, a succubus) mates with a creature while in the Abyss their doomed paramour (whether female or male) gives birth to a half-breed: the cambion.