Cambisol - Wikipedia
A Cambisol in the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) [1] is a soil in the beginning of soil formation. The horizon differentiation is weak. This is evident from weak, mostly brownish discolouration and/or structure formation in the soil profile .
Cambisol | Organic Matter, Clay & Humus | Britannica
Cambisol, one of the 30 soil groups in the classification system of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Cambisols are characterized by the absence of a layer of accumulated clay, humus, soluble salts, or iron and aluminum oxides.
The ‘typical’ Cambisol profile has an ABC-horizon sequence with an ochric, mollic or umbric A-hori-zon over a cambic B-horizon that has normally a yellowish-brown colour but that may also be an in-tense red. Cambisols in poorly drained terrain positions may show ‘redoximorphic’ features. The soil texture is loamy to clayey.
The `typical' Cambisol profile has an ABC horizon sequence with an ochric, mollic or umbric A-horizon over a cambic B-horizon that has normally a yellowish-brown colour but that may also be an intense red. Cambisols in poorly drained terrain positions may show `redoximorphic' features. The soil texture is loamy to clayey.
Cambisol – a transforming soil
A Cambisol is a soil type from the FAO soil classification, consisting of the words cambiare (“change” in Latin and Italian) and sol (you guessed it: “soil”). We love the soil type and its profile, but there are more relevant reasons why Cambisol was picked as the name of this environmental consultancy bureau.
Cambisol - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The difference in rooting depth is of primary importance for water retention capacity of the studied profiles. The plant available water holding capacity of the Cambisol (S3) at Slavkov Forest CZO is 83 mm, more than twice that of the reference profile D4 at Damma Glacier.
Reference soil China 34: Cambisol | ISRIC World Soil Museum
Reference soil China 34: Cambisol CN034 Cambisols occur mainly in the temperate and boreal regions of the world, where the soil’s parent material is still young or where low temperatures slow down the processes of soil formation.
Cambisols - ISRIC
Cambisols occur mainly in the temperate and boreal regions of the world, where the soil’s parent material is still young or where low temperatures slow down the processes of soil formation.
Reference soil Norway 03: Cambisol | ISRIC World Soil Museum
Reference soil Norway 03: Cambisol NO003 Cambisols occur mainly in the temperate and boreal regions of the world, where the soil’s parent material is still young or where low temperatures slow down the processes of soil formation.
Cambisol (Vertic Dytsropept) whereas Pedon 3 could be classified as Calcaric Cambisol (Vertic Ustropept). The oyster shells have modified the properties of Pedon 3 and provide a greater potential for sustainable low-input soil productivity which confirms field observations of better crop performance on this soil.
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